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"Let's Timothy this bitch!" Simon exclaims, closing the ambulance doors behind him as he heald Adam close to him

Kate smashed the gas as they sped off to the grocery store in which Simon was employed at, being employee of the month for the past five months straight. Seeing the pictures of Simon's happy little smile sitting on the wall made Adam smile as well, his lover's cute little smile could light up a room.

"A few months ago, my brother Timothy had an unfortunate experience in which he ingested too much of a certain substance" Simon starts to explain to Sam, setting a bunch of prescriptions on the counter. "He was dead for two minutes. But.." Simon does a little drum roll as Adam sits atop the counter, looking at the pill bottles. "We got him back!"

"Kate. It's time for your close-up" Deena looks at Kate who responds with a small smile and a nod.

Kate orders out all the pills for Sam, telling her which to take and the time space in which she should take them. Simon described what it would feel like and also talked about the time space she'd need to take them. Adam hands Simon a handful of Epipens, for adrenaline to bring Sam back to life.

"This is what brings her back. This is Jesus!" Simon exclaims

"We have thousands of these," Adam starts, pulling out a large cardboard box filled with Epipens, "You won't fail at sticking a few of these in her chest to bring her back"

Once again, Josh, Kate, Simon, and Adam would have to cover themselves in Sam's blood again for this new plan to work. Kate and Adam apologized for being dicks to Sam as Simon called Adam away for back door patrol. Kate kissed Josh before he walked off, probably to go with the other guys, surprising him.

"I'll run interference up here" Kate tells the group, walking towards the bakery section of the store

Simon, Adam, and Josh reached the freezer room as Simon told Josh they should split up; which Josh disagreed with. Simon told Josh as fucked as it was, they had to.

"Kate, she's a crusher. She doesn't have time for most people."

"I know. She's being nice because we're probably gonna die."

"No! Okay, well.. maybe we're gonna die-"

"Dude you just said we wouldn't. Pick a side!" Adam interrupts

Simon playfully rolls his eyes as he continues, "But Kate is not nice. She sees something in you."


"So, see that in yourself, dude. We would not be this far if it weren't for you. Now we have to keep those psychos away from Sam." Simon slaps Josh's shoulder, "So go man up and check that exit."

Simon pulls Adam away to the staff room, leaving Josh to check the exit doors.

Simon and Adam could hear Kate's fearful screams and Josh's yelling from outside. They were already in. Hopefully Deena got to drowning Sam, otherwise they'd all be dead by now. Adam started shouting to Simon they were about to die as Simon dragged them out as they ran from Ruby Lane.

They sprinted past the freezers as Adam began to cry again, his headphones still blaring music to try and comfort him. They passed the public bread slicer, and on it was Kate. And in the sharp blades was her head. It was all chopped up and sliced, she wasn't even recognizable. Adam froze as he looked at her, seeing she must've been thrown into some cake as one was smashed and some icing was left on whatever was left of her face. Adam broke down then and there, collapsing to the floor.

Simon quickly ran back to pull him back up while Josh stood there as well at his now dead love interest. Adam looked back to see the Camp Nightwing killer approaching them. He quickly yelled for the other two boys to run, and as he stood up the killer ran faster towards them.

"I love you, Simon Kalivoda!" Adam shouts, leading his boyfriend away from the bread slicer as they trailed behind Josh.

"I love you more, Adam Sprouse!" Simon shouts back, a true, loving look in his eyes for Adam.

Those would be Simon's final words before the Nightwing killer swung at Simon, slicing his head open as his body collapsed to the floor. Adam stopped dead in his tracks as he looked down at their still interlocked hands as Adam was pulled down to his knees. He looked up to the Camp Nightwing killer as he raised his ax again. Adam got one last look at Simon's pale, lifeless eyes and blood drenched head before the killer struck him with the ax.

Adam collapsed to the floor next to Simon as his world went dark, their hands still interlocked while they stared dead but still loving eyes at each other. Their dead corpses lay next to each other on the cold floor, pools of blood surrounding them. Their last words for each other rung in their lifeless brains, their newly started love had already ended after about two days. Adam's music somehow continued playing after he was struck, the killer missed the band of his headphones, leaving Foreigner's Agent Provocateur to blast in his non-working ears.

The boys would be found by the police, and as Sam, Deena, and Josh explained, the police ruled them as druggies who experienced a terrible end to their lives. Kate Shmidt, Simon Kalivoda, and Adam Sprouse were now just a constant reminder to the surviving three of what they lost.

They'd taken care of the witch, taking the lost hand back to the body, it was over now. Sheriff Goode was gone, the witch's curse, and the force field over Sunnyvale was gone.

But so were the victims.

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