iggy's story

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( I'm going to say "Iggy " and " you" a lot but just know there's no difference to the storyline or anything )

~ Iggy used to be friends with the pogues 3rd- 8th grade but one day her and her family moved across the island, and you were officially a kook. You went to different schools as the pogues so eventually you drifted apart. You saw it coming. The last time you guys truly hung out was a few days before you started your new school. You and JJ got into a huge argument about you being a kook, how you were going to change, or we were going to drift apart. The other pogues tried to calm him down and defend you a little bit but deep down you all knew he was right in some ways. And he definitely was right. You and JJ never really made up. You still feel really guilty about it. You wonder what he's thinking about when you have run ins with the pogues, occasionally passing by eachother when you were on the cut, at party's, or at the beach. Just things like that

~ You didn't know how your parents got the money it was really a mystery in your eyes. A few months later your dad passed away from a "heart attack " atleast that was labeled as. The case seemed secretive. That was the day your mother changed. She never talks anymore. Most people would think it would turn into your mom getting drunk all the time, drugs, just something like that but that never happened. She just locked me out. Me and my brother saw it. We were very close for a few years but once mom locked us out, we kind of locked each other out too. Of course we talked when we had to. I probably talked the most, I felt ignored a lot so I eventually gave up on my family. And my mom became obsessed with some kind of gold story. She left for a few months, no note,call, nothing. The bills were still getting paid so you knew she was okay.

But that's old news.

Now my Brother moved to college, And a few months ago your mother supposedly died on a boat. You and your brother still haven't talked. You didn't even know if he was alive. Then not too later your old pal, John b's
Dad again "supposedly" drowned. No body's found. No one would say anything but it was pretty obvious these were connected somehow you knew her and John b's dad were pretty good friends but that was years ago. It was so confusing to you. You've been wanting to get in touch with John b but you didn't know how.
It's be pretty awkward just showing up on his door step and start talking about our dead parents.
Now you're back living on the cut with a foster family who was never home just a man and a woman. And it's summer so you had nothing to do. You didn't have many friends anymore maybe 1 or 2. You had a lot of people come talk to you at one point, when your mom died. Out of pity. It annoyed the hell out of you. You basically had nobody anymore except your dog Rex.

you hate to admit it but you were a typical damaged teenager. So you grew into drugs and smoking. You always thought those things were gross but now it just doesn't matter. You've almost been arrested a couple of times. Through those times you've grown kind of close with the Sheriff in your town. You knew John b was close to her too. She told me we had similar stories.

You were locked out of your life.
You don't know who you are anymore.

       You don't know who you are anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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locked out - JJ MAYBANK Where stories live. Discover now