[Intro]Where are we!?!

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A/N:As I said it might not be good since its my first fanfiction ever but I hope you enjoy it.
[Disclaimer:I do not own one piece Eiichiro Oda does and I also dont own any of the art shown credits to their rightful owners]
Author's pov: It was a sunny day for the thousand sunny,where the strawhats are sailing through the grandline they've just finished restocking up their food.As Sanji is preparing their food,robin reading her book,zoro taking a nap,ussop,luffy and chopper playing around,franky doing his own robot things,brook making new music songs and nami in her navigator room making maps.

" Tag you're it chopper" yelled ussop as he ran away from a short blue nosed reindeer named chopper.As ussop ran away he heard chopper yell" Hey no fair you could've tagged luffy!!"
As chopper said luffy ussop had stopped running he turned back and said"now that you mentioned luffy where is luffy I haven't seen him for a while? "Ussop asked "neither have I lets ask robin" chopper responded

"Oi robin have you seen luffy anywhere!!"yelled ussop "no I haven't why ussop?"Robin said"well me and chopper were wondering where luffy was since we haven't seen luffy"

"Hmm..That's weird,I guess captain-san fell off the ship and drowned to the deepest depth of the ocean and died."

"DON'T SAY THAT TYPE OF STUFF ROBIN!!"As both chopper and ussop hugged each other to death,As robin was about to stand up and go inform the others if they had seen luffy or not a bright was shown and suddenly all of the strawhats were in a dark room that a huge screen

(Something like this but without the chairs)

As the strawhats are confused on where they are,they heard something from a distance

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As the strawhats are confused on where they are,they heard something from a distance.They looked at the area where the sound was coming from.As the sound started to get closer and closer the sound was coming from no other than"ACE!?!"
Screamed the strawhats except robin,franky and brook.But they were shocked that the person they saw was running towards them was ace luffy's supposed to be dead sworn brother.

Ace's pov:
"I'm supposed to be dead were even am I" I said.As I started walking to hopefully find someone I start to hear noises from a distance,I start to run off to the noise I see a group of People,I noticed it was my little brothers pírate crew but I wasn't sure about the black haired lady,the robot and HOLY CRAP IS THAT A SKELETON?!?
I yelled"HEY GUYS" to maybe get there attention as i was getting closer they yelled "ACE" except for the dark haired lady,the robot and the skeleton,when i was finally close
End of pov

There was another bright flash

As more People came in confused,a certain person was grinning..

Words: 550
A/n:I really hope you enjoyed this first part of the story so far also I'm really sorry if it was short.I really don't know if was good or not but I'll try to make it good.And there might be some oc's but don't worry only like 2 or 3 tho.

I truly thank you for even reading this fanfiction

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