•New year's special•

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A/n: Happy New year's y'all! Sorry for not updating I honestly forgot about this💀.But Ima start updating this.

"It's that time already"said Charlotte

"What is it Charlotte-san?"asked Robin,
"Well It's New year's of course!"Charlotte responded with joy."And since you're all here might as well have fun"

As charlotte snapped her fingers,tables begin to appear out of nowhere and delicious food started to appear aswell,everyone was amazed at the scene that was being displayed infront of them.
As everything was almost done the others were about to eat.
"One last thing"as charlotte snapped her fingers once more,a boy with black hair that was wearing a strawhat with two other people appeared infront of everyone.

"LUFFY!"yelled the strawhats and ace.As luffy saw his crew his face lit up,"Hi everyone!"he said with a smile.Once luffy saw ace he frowned and stretched his arms and launched himself to ace.
"Ace is that really you"said luffy with a sad frown
"yes it's me luffy"ace said with a smile towards his little brother.
"Enough with sad stuff,this is supposed to be fun!"said a person who walked next to Charlotte"you got that right"said the other person.
"Who might you two be?"asked usopp and everyone else who are also curious on they might be.
"Oh my quite rude of me"said a man with long black hair with red streaks and also had yellow eyes.

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"My name is yunoo pleasure to meet you"he said with a smile

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"My name is yunoo pleasure to meet you"he said with a smile."Yea yea we get it"said a boy with brown hair and blue eyes

[Credits to the rightful owner]

"The names Liam nice to meet you"he said"Are they your friends that you mentioned Charlotte?"asked nami"why yes they are my idiot friends"Charlotte responded with a smile

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"The names Liam nice to meet you"he said
"Are they your friends that you mentioned Charlotte?"asked nami
"why yes they are my idiot friends"Charlotte responded with a smile."OI"Liam smacked Charlotte's head"The heck was that for idiot"said Charlotte with an irritated voice"That was for calling us idiots you loser!"yelled Liam.
"I agree with Liam that's what you get"said yunoo with a smile
"Wow I fell betrayed"said Charlotte with an overdramatic voice and with fake tears.
As everyone sweatdropped at there behavior.
"Anyways let's have a good time shall we!"said Yunoo.As he said that everyone else started to dig in the table filled with food and treats.They were having a good time especially the two others who discovered that sabo was alive.
He might've gotten punched by ace but in the end they bonded by betting who can eat more.Luffy was snatching food off others while everyone around them like the Marines and warlords were amused and some probably disgusted by
there manners, especially akainu,akoji couldn't care less
While the
others such as the whitebeard crew were having the best time of their lives because they were reunited with ace and their pops once more.And with the revolutionary's were just eating nothing more.
"Oi luffy keep your hands my plate!!"yelled Sanji."sor-mphry !"said luffy with his mouth filled with food."Don't eat with your mouth open!"Said nami.
"Looks like after this we have to continue with the reactions isn't that right Charlotte?"asked Liam"why of course"she answered.Hopefully this goes well"she said with a smile.


(A/N): Thanks for reading this New year's special.Hope you all have a wonderful day/night
Author out :)

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