Where are we?!?(part 2)

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A/N:Hello dear readers,this is the second part as you can tell by the title,I'll try to post more often but since i have school I'll have less time but I will try my Best to make this fanfic


"Where am I?" Said a certain pink haired marine.As others had the same question,
As people started to look around
" WHITEBEARD?!?"yelled sengoku "POPS!!" The whitebeard crew ran towards their captain/father figure
like little children,as the marines also spotted the strawhats and along with"FIRE FIST ACE! CAPTURE THEM!!" as the marines were running towards them they suddenly stopped,"what the-"said a random marine"WHAT ARE YA'LL DOING CAPTURE THEM"yelled sengoku .
"BE QUIET" someone yelled,everyone looked up and saw a girl with tan skin,pink hair,etc.
(This is how she looks like i made her like a year ago)

(Anyways-)"who are you if I may ask?"asked Robin"Oh me,My name is Charlotte,nice to meet you""CHARLOTTE-SWANN~"as sanji was doing his weird noodle dance

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"who are you if I may ask?"asked Robin
"Oh me,My name is Charlotte,nice to meet you"
"CHARLOTTE-SWANN~"as sanji was doing his weird noodle dance."Shut up love cook"said zoro "What did you say moss head"as both zoro and sanji were about to fight,"STOP IT YOU FOOLS"nami yelled at them,"sorry about them Charlotte" as people began to sweat drop at the girls behavior,"Its alright nami,anyways I brought all of you here to react to a certain person memories"
"Who's memories are we reacting to?"said no other then the emo himself Law."Ya'll will react to Monkey D Luffys memories!"as Charlotte smiled "WHY SHOULD WE REACT TO A PIRATE SCUM"yelled you guessed it akainu,"well first of all shut up you piece of trash,and second of all I have no choice but anyways as I said you will react to luffy since I and someone else adore him.Now lets get started shall we"
"Wait a minute"said ussop "Isn't this an invasion of privacy?".
"Oh don't worry about I asked permission from luffy".
"WHAT" yelled ace.
As a group of People stayed hidden and watching the ruckus being played.
"NO!" said ace "and why is that ace yoi" as marco approached him since marco was curious and also happy to see ace,as ace stayed slient knowing about his and luffys past and how he was back then "fine"
Said ace "ALRIGHT THEN LET THE MEMORIES BEGAN!"yelled charlotte

P.s :Before Charlotte said "alr then let the memories began" the People in the room unfroze and renited in seperate groups
A/N:I hope you like it,I'll try to do my Best for ya'll to enjoy it :)

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