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A/N:IM REALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE😭😭😭.I have school and all and its really stresing me out but heres the chapter thank you for your patience

"OI LUFFY!"as the screen focused on a ship with a dragon figure docked on shore."What are you trying to do!?"yelled a voice towards a small child holding a knife,while standing on the figure.

"I'm really serious! I'm so pissed!! That I'm gonna prove it to you!"yelled the child with an annoyed tone thats no other than monkey D luffy."Go do it! Even if I don't know though!"
Said shanks while cheering wondering whats gonna happen next.

As luffy stabs the knife below his eye.
As the crew was shocked shanks yelled"You idiot!What are you doing?!"

"So thats how luffy got his scar.."zoro said a bit disappointed that luffy didn't get that scar from a fight.

"That idiot I should've known,that scar is way too perfect to be from a fight."law said to himself.
As garp yelled"DAMN YOU RED HAIR?!"

"Inside a bar you could hear people saying "CHEERS,GUYS!As one of them said while clinking his glass with two other people."To luffy's guts and our great Journey!".

"Damn pirates"akainu and some other random marines said."Shut it all of you"said charlotte with an annoyed tone."just pay attention you shitty marines"People were chuckling a bit
"It didn't hurt at all!"luffy said.While holding his tears.
"Even as a kid luffy was a terrible liar"Ace said while chuckling "he couldn't lie,even if his life depended on it"ussop said while sweatdropping.
"SUPERRR bad liar"yelled franky while doing his super pose
"Now that you mentioned luffy where is he?"nami questioned."OI WHERE IS MY LITTLE BROTHER"yelled ace"Woah there pal,calm down luffy is alright he is just idk in a room with other people"charlotte said"SHOW PROOF!"said an angry fire chicken called ace.

"Alright alright,here."
As Charlotte showed luffy in a room with 2 other people".

"Happy" charlotte said,"excuse me charlotte-san".
"Yes robin dear" said charlotte."May I ask who are the other two people with luffy?"
"Who them,they're my friends but don't worry they won't cause harm I swear."
"They better not"said a very overprotective older brother.
Anyways back to the memories

"Thats a lie ,don't do such a stupid thing again.That got me scared you know" shanks said.As small luffy clearly disagreeing saying"Thats not a lie!
I'm not scared of getting hurt!Take me on your next voyage,I wanna be a pirate too!"
Shanks started to laugh "as if you could ever become a pirate!You can't even swim,you'll be like a anchor
Its a fatal flaw for a pirate to be an anchor!"as he teased luffy.
"I'll be okay as long as I don't fall out of the ship!!"said luffy."plus I'm really good at fighting too,my punches are as strong as pistols"he said confidently.

"I mean luffy ain't lying when he said his punches are as pistols" said ussop "even stronger than pistols more like canons"said nami.
"Thats my baby brother for you!!"said ace sassily.
While someone far away was looking at them"I can't,right now is not a good time."thought the person.



A/N:I know this was a bit short but I promise it'll be much longer.I'll try to update this fanfic as soon a possible.

From:Author :]

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