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Instantly I head to my room and see Anny and Manny. Everything in the room has been changed.

"I am sorry sweety we were remodeling the house when they came so it became their room." My mom says.

I straightened my back and held up my head trying not to cry over the last physical thing I had of my dad.

"Hey I know what will cheer you up, but first let me show you to your room." My mom says.

We head to what is suppose to be my room and happens to be right across my dad's home office and my parents old room. She lets me unpack and I am done in no time so I walk into his old office. This is now my office since I have forfilled the requirements before becoming Luna since I am the only heir. I looked around and I can tell it has been a long time since someone was in here.

At least this was left untouched.

I grazed my hand acrossed my dad's leather chair smiling at all the memories I had in here.

"You can not be in here its off limits." A female says crossing by.

"Its not to me. It was my dad's."

"Oh I heard the Luna's daughter was coming back." The female says.

"Sorry for my rudeness my name is Lacey. What is yours?"

"Its Alice..."

"Lacey what are you doing in here?" My mom asks showing out of nowhere.

"Just remembering the good times in here."

Alice leaves in a hurry.

"Yes they were good times." My mom says.

"Now lets head to the kitchen. I made your favorite snack." My mom says.

"PBnJ with butter and a glass of milk?"

It was the only thing my dad knew how to make.

"Yes." My mom says.

But at last when we got to the kitchen Anny and Manny was eating the last bit before running off seeing me.

"I am sorry dear. I will make some more." My mom says.

I nod before she tells me to sit down.

"So how was school?" My mom asks.

"It was good.  I made a few friends, but mostly focused on my school work. Just keeping my eyes on the prize as...."

"As your dad used to say." My mom finishes.

"Yeah. I never understood until college what he meant by that."

"At least you made friends instead of just focusing on getting your degree." My mom says.

"Yeah it made it seem more interesting."

"So what are their names?" My mom asks.

"Mich, Andy, Candy, and Jack. Mich is more of a goofy guy. While Jack is all serious unless his friends are hurt. Andy is just a chill guy and his sister Candy has a very bubbly personality that just makes you feel great."

"That is good sweety." My mom says.

"I can see the true question, just ask it mom rather than beating around the bush."

"Did you at least dated or crushed on anyone there?" My mom asks.

"No mom."

After a while she places the plate in front of me and I dig in.

"Thank you mom."

She smiles.

"Mom did you remodel the bedroom?"

"No, but its locked so no one can get in." My mom says.

I knew what she ment was that so no one can successfull get in and would get burnned if tried.

We werewolves has a sensitivity to wolfsbane and depending on the purity also silver.

She starts talking about when the remodleing started and why, but soon I smelt the most intoxacating scent making my wolf surface wagging her tail meaning only one thing.

My mate is here.

A guy walks in and looks at me before my mom kisses his cheek.

The smell is so strong.

"Lacey this is my husband your stepdad Lance." My mom says.

We shook hands making those sparks I have only heard about fly on my skin.

My Stepdad is My MateWhere stories live. Discover now