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He takes the call when I turned over pissed that he looks so torn between being with me, his mate the only one created for him, and my mom, his wife. He did sigh like he knew he pissed me off more, but also like duty calls. When he did leave the room I turned back around and all I felt was pain. So when he is about to hang up I could hear them.

"I love you!" My mom says through the phone.

He pauses before saying it back making my heart fall breaking more into tiniest pieces. I wanted to scream the pain out, but I am in the pack hospital and I know that it would be selfish to do so. Instead of screaming a tear leaks out right as he is entering. He rushes to me about to whip it away, but I pushed his hand away.


He looks hurt, but he has no right to feel it when he just told her he loves her who is clearly not his mate.

"I....." He says just as a guy rushes in.

"Alpha... Luna..." The mystery guy says bowing.

"What is it Terrance?" My mate growls clearly pissed off he was interrupted.

"We have a situation." Terrance says before catching his breath.

"What is it?" My mate growls.

"The twins are here and demands to see you." Terrance says.

"How the fudge did the get here let alone not be noticed missing?" My mate growls clearly frustrated.

Terrance opens his mouth to answer guess, but my mate speaks over him.

"Bring them to my office and watch them until I arrive." My mate says.

Terrance bows and is about to leave when my mate stops him.

"Also say nothing to them about my mate. Just watch them and do not let them leave my office. Do I make myself very clear?" My mate asks.

"Yes Alpha." Terrance says before leaving my hospital room.

"Now back to where we were." My mate says.

"Oh you mean you telling my mom you love her after telling me you want only me and are trying to enall the marriage?"

I seethed at him while growling.

"I will only allow you to act like this since your my mate, but what did you want me to do? I am trying to keep it more hushed until the problem I created is fixed. I do not want her or anyone I do not trust knowing just in case they or she tries to stop it." My mate growls then whimpers.

I can see his wolf needs me and is mad at the situation his human caused.

"Still you could have came up with an excuse to end that call without saying those four words meant for me and our family!"

I growled showing my hurt and my wolf's hurt.

"I am sorry mate!" My mate says before grabbing my hand.

"All I was thinking about was coming back to you. I knew I made you angry by taking the call, but I also know that if I did not then she would have came down here." My mate says.

I know he was speaking the truth because that is the type of person my mom is.

"I wish I waited longer for you mate. Then maybe you would not be angry at me and neither would my wolf. Maybe we would have already marked each other or been on our first date of many dates." My mate says.

"You think I would have let you mark me so quickly?"

"Probably not, but I could hope. At least then everyone would know your my mate and rightful Luna." My mate says.

He gets linked and growls afterwards before kissing my hand and leaving. I already knew what it was about and to be honest when he left if felt like my heart went with him like a lost little puppy. I could feel my wolf huffing since she does not like any term of being considered a dog. I smiled knowing how annoyed she get with it, but it never makes since. All because dogs come from wolfs, they are just tamed and domesticated wolfs.

Soon I close my eyes and fall back asleep into a enjoyable slumber.

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