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"Alpha... Luna..." The mystery guy says bowing. "What is it Terrance?" My mate growls clearly pissed off he was interrupted. "We have a situation." Terrance says before catching his breath. "What is it?" My mate growls. "The twins are here and demands to see you." Terrance says. "How the fudge did the get here let alone not be noticed missing?" My mate growls clearly frustrated. Terrance opens his mouth to answer guess, but my mate speaks over him. "Bring them to my office and watch them until I arrive." My mate says. Terrance bows and is about to leave when my mate stops him. "Also say nothing to them about my mate. Just watch them and do not let them leave my office. Do I make myself very clear?" My mate asks. "Yes Alpha." Terrance says before leaving my hospital room.
He gets linked and growls afterwards before kissing my hand and leaving. I already knew what it was about and to be honest when he left if felt like my heart went with him like a lost little puppy. I could feel my wolf huffing since she does not like any term of being considered a dog. I smiled knowing how annoyed she get with it, but it never makes since. All because dogs come from wolfs, they are just tamed and domesticated wolfs.
Soon I close my eyes and fall back asleep into a enjoyable slumber.

When I woke up Lance was not here so of course it hurt, but I need to grow up. As soon as I heard the nurse walking to my door I prepared myself for the pain.

Oh how getting open wounds clean and redressed hurts.

She opened my door holding the supplies. One look from her told me not to fight it.

I wonder what got her panties in a twist?

She sets the supplies down on the tray and starts. I watch her carefully seeing she is mixing the antibiotic soap with the hot water. The smell makes me want to puke, but I hold back from doing so. She brings the new soapy wipe and starts cleaning my open wounds after taking the bandages off. I hiss in pain which she looks at me giving me a break. I soon nod at her to continue and before I know it she is done and redresses my wounds. She then cleans up and sanitize the area before heading back out of my room.

It is told that if you just found your mate or have yet to mark and mate with them, then just having your mate next to you will help your wolf heal you. I do not know if this is true and if it is then who knows about me since my wolf was dormant for so long. Maybe the reason I have yet to ever half way heal is because of the time length of my wolf being dormant. If not then I do not know the reason why I am not healing like I should.

My thoughts are interrupted when Lance and the two pups walk in. At first I was happy to see him, but then I became sad knowing our bond has to seem unreal. All because they might just tell my mom and then everything may crash down into zillion tiny pieces.

My friend Candy from college always used to say that we are given these burdens to help make us stronger for what is in our future. Also she used to say that time will heal all wounds and being patient will help pass the time. In this case I think maybe the patient part will be true, but the rest I do not thing pertains to this situation.

"I am sorry, but your mom is busy and they keep escaping their guards." Lance says.

I try to hold in my feelings and tears, but let's be real I can only do this for a while before I start breaking down or turn into a numbness zombie. I nod at him and see that Anny is watching me carefully. If I did not turn a new page I would say my mom purposely sent them here and has them staying here to keep an eye on me, like she knows he is my mate or something. So I mark it down as being paridniod that my new world will crash down around me. I look at Manny to see he is drawing on the walls. I know back when I was a kid my mom would punish me for doing so especially after my dad passed away. So maybe she allows them or maybe they are acting up or something else. Lance sees Manny and grabs the marker from him before putting him in the corner.

"You know better so you are staying here until you apologize and learn." Lance tell Manny.

He then comes sits next to me and grabs my hand.

"Did the nurse come in already?" Lance asks.

"Yes she did."

"How do you feel now?" Lance asks looking concerned.

"I am sore, but besides that as expected."

Lance looks at my lips before looking back at my eyes. Anny coughs and heads into the bathroom soon after with the look a teenager would give when they are anoyed.

"Can I come out now?" Manny asks.

Lance looks at him.

"Depends have you learned what you did wrong?" Lance asks.

"Yes." Manny says.

"Then what do you say and do?" Lance asks.

"I am sorry for drawing on the wall when I know I am not allowed to." Manny says.

"Who are you apologizing to?" Lance asks.

"To you..." Manny says right before Anny slams the bathroom door shut.

We all look at her and she rolls her eyes before plopping on the chair.

"You need to apologize to Lacey since this is her room." Lance says.

Anny snorts and you can tell Lance's wolf did not like that at all.

"I am sorry for drawing on your walls." Manny says looking at me.

"Thank you. Just next time let us know you want to draw and we can get you paper."

Anny snorts again rolling her eyes.

Lance was holding back his wolf because she is showing disrespect and his wolf does not like it. So instead he grabs her hand and Manny's and walks out apologizing for them. As soon as Anny is out of the room I see a smirk on her face.

So her behavior is on purpose, was Manny's? Why was she acting like this? Does she know Lance is my mate and if so how? Is her behavior being edged on or is she just acting out on her own? Does she truly distest me or is it something else?

So many questions pop into my head that it starts making the machines to go off. The nurse runs in and check them out before checking my pulse and blood pressure.

"You need to calm down and relax. Whatever you your thinking is not as important as you getting better." She says.

I read her name tag which says Wanda.

"You are right Wanda and thank you."

She nods and heads out probably to report the changes. Or maybe this pack is different than mine in regulations of hospital clients.

My Stepdad is My MateWhere stories live. Discover now