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I tried my best not to think about it to no help from my wolf. All she was doing was growling not liking our mate away from us due to Anny's behavior. So I looked out my hospital room window seeing nurses passing by. I looked harder to see if there was guards or not, but it was hurting my head. I rubbed my head remembering the fight and I got to admit he did put up a good fight. I remember the last time I was in a fight and I knew I disappointed my dad when he heard what happened.

I was in the field that holds pup training camp waiting for our Delta to arrive.

"Hey dog breath." Derrick our Gamma's son says.

I just ignore him as this is the usual from him as he is my bully. Well only when my dad, our Beta, our Delta, or his dad is not around. When they are he asks so innocent and sweet.

"Does the princess miss her daddy?" Derrick asks while mimicking fake crying.

I stay quiet hoping that our Delta James shows up soon.

"No wonder why everyone hates you, your a dirty dog breathe mutation." Derrick says.

I keep my composure.

"I bet that is why Alpha left you here and made excuses to leave your disgusting disgraced of an excused werewolf." Derrick says.

I could feel my anger start to boil as I hold a growl back.

"You want to know something?" Derrick asks.

"Well you are going to hear it either way." Derrick sneers with a evil smirk.

"No one wants you. No one will ever want you. And no one will ever want to be in a pack that has you as a Luna. Even your mate will reject you or even worse only keep you for selfish reasons while cheating on you." Derrick says smirking evilly.

My fists clutch tightly where I could feel my nails digging into my palm.

This continues, but I try my best to block him out until Delta James agrees to Derrick's request to be my fighting partner.

Derrick does sneaky moves and smirks evilly.

"Just give up weakling you know you are only good at destroying everything good." Derrick says.

I looked to see Delta James on the other side of the field and that's when he attacks, but I kick him off.

"You know why your mom hates you? She was forced to bare an ungrateful unobeyate mute into her once perfect life."

We keep circling each other.

"No wonder why her life is a living hell and can not have anymore." Derrick says.

I knew my mom wanted a son as usually the oldest son would become the Alpha making the pack stronger.

"You destroyed her and the pack." Derrick says.

He fake launched before laughing evilly.

"You will kill us if ever become a Luna." Derrick says.

This is one of the good days as he is not really being the worse version of a bully he is.

He keeps going until he attacks me at the point I kick him off making him hit a near by tree. He gets up and stacks me immensely as we fight harder like it is a real battle.

Before I know it I am on top punching him while crying screaming at him to shut up. That is when Delta James shows up and pulls me away. Mom was the one who picked me up and I got a beating for it before she locked me in the cell like a prisoner.

I got no food and no water until my dad came back and lets me out of the cell with that disappointment look. Once we got back home he told me to get washed up and meet him in his office.

As I look into the mirror I can see Derrick's blood on my clothes and face. I could also see my blood, but only from the now healed gashes.

I carefully wash up and get dress before heading to my dad's office.

I was told I could have killed him, but no one was letting me tell them what happened so I huffed as I start my punishment of cleaning the pack house.

Flashback over:

I still have the scares from Derrick that day, but from then on he only messed with me to get me into trouble around the 4 leaders. When I moved away I was happy to be leaving that nightmare place. I am very grateful that my dad wanted me to get my degree as it helps having a successful financial pack and it got me away from all of that. Now I have turn a new page I hope to show them that I am at least as great of a leader as my dad even though abuse will not be ever tolerated.

I look at the door hearing it open making me smile seeing Lance.

"I am sorry about them." Lance says as he sits next to my hospital bed.

I nod and he grabs my hand.

"I do not know what got into Anny, but I have sent them back and made the pack patrol heavier." Lance says.

I squeezed his hand as my wolf was happy wagging her tail as our mate is next to us.

"The doctor said you could come home if you like tomorrow." Lance says.

"But I am not healing right. Would that even be safe to travel out of this pack?"

"I meant home as in our room here." Lance says.

I look away blushing from embarrassment as my wolf yelps happily already wanting to be in his arms.

"Never hide from me mate." Lance says guiding my face to look at him.

He looks at my lips before his phone goes off signaling my mom is calling.

"I am...." Lance says as it rings again.

"Just answer it so she will stop."

His smile fades as he nods and takes the call out of my hospital room.

My Stepdad is My MateWhere stories live. Discover now