Day 1

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"For fuck sake, you've drain the gas again" Leo waits for the car came to a stop.

"How is it my fault Leo!?" Pisces murmured, empathizing my obviously frustrated with the blame almost instantly being put on her.

"You'r too reckless when you drive! You don't even take into consideration that we need to save gas, it's not like I can go to a gas station and get a top up these days." Leo's words were fast he comically hit his head on the ceiling wheel multiple times and frustration careful not to sound the horn.

"Your being a child"

"No I'm being mature"

"Yeah right" Pisces snickered she turned to see Finley fast asleep draped across the backseat

"Seriously? He's sleeping again" Pisces looked at fin "He could sleep through a damn nuclear war twice over" Pisces teased causing Leo to Snicker.

"All right let's just wake him up and get on a move I hate these roads" Leo turned unlocking the car doors and carefully getting out axe his hand and asks his eyes careful and alert.

Pisces gently shook Finley in attempt to wake him up yet there was no success.

She shook him a little more rough this time causing him to murmur and eventually stir into a form of Awakening.

"Cmon Fin we don't have all day get your stuff and move" Pisces said taking her grip off the boy

"Whatever" Finley murmur dragging himself up, a yawn escaped him as he took the gun into his holster as he held a large knife in his left hand.

The three began walking, down the road was thick with fog, a bitter, full smell lurks the air.

It's been a fairly long time since the group had ran into another person, let alone a whole community, but then again the likelihood of communities existing still was incredibly low. After all it was 3 years into the messily post-apocalypse world.

In 2021 the outbreak began it was specifically May of 2021.

Finley had just moved to Louisiana, to live with Leo and Pisces after months of planning, the week he got there everything went to hell, between people being forced to take vaccine for covid than mutating within weeks of injections, starting off as a light fever and eventually turning into complete loss of control of bodily and mental infections.

It was still unknown whether or not those infections can still feel, here, see and understand what is happening around them. Some theories they can yet they just no longer have the capability to prevent the actions and bodies is performing whitelists other simply believe they are all completely brain dead, all morals and the things that made them human are gone.

What felt like hours of walking, led to a small town, abandoned like every other.

Collapsed trees in streets, rusting, burnt out cars, weeds and grass cracking through the side walks.

Most homes by now wouldn've been completely picked dry, yet some still had the occasional jackpot.

Pisces wondered off, Finley and Leo stick together.

"goddddddd" Finley groaned through frustration, dragging it out really captured his annoyance.

"What's up?" Leo follow Finley into the kitchen of a home, and search of damp presents.

"Everything and everywhere is the fucking same"

"The joys of an apocalypse I suppose" Leo snicker, he looked over photo frames that have fallen, assuming the people in the photos to be the owners of the home before the world went to hell.

"I'm just bord Leo"

"Aren't we all?"

"I want to do something fun, I want a bit of adrenaline, even just some sort of goal! We're walking around all the time doing nothing for what to starve another day?" Finley continue to complain his words followed by opening and closing of different cabinets and drawers as he searched for something.

"I don't know, what more can we do? Sit and wait to get eaten" he replied as he placed the photo frame up right.

Finley made the mistakes of opening the fridge and a smelling that arose caused himself and Leo, who was on the other side of the room to gag. He quickly slammed it shut.

"HAVENT YOU LEARNT- YOU DO THAT IN EVERY HOUSE" Leo cryed out wafting the air around him hiding his face into his hoodie.



Finley said rushing himself out of the house in desperate attempt to escape the smell.

Outside waiting was Pisces.

"Did Finley open the fridge again-" Pisces held back laughter

"Unfortunately" Leo replied taking in a deep inhale of somewhat fresh air.

"I get curious"

"We know" Pisces snickered as she twirled a hammer in her hand letting it swing between her fingers tossing it to each hand.

"This isn't a circus Pisces" Leo looked at her "you're going to drop it and alert the mutations"

"Surprised you guys didn't alert the mutations by yelling" she murmured

The began walking once again.

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