Talking to T after the day ends

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...Hmm what club to join I really have been thinking of joining the anime club or something close to that. But I am not 100% sure. I zoned out for a bit not realising untill T came in and talked to me. "Hey I was waiting for you outside your classroom but you never left so I came to check up on you" he says "Oh sorry I zoned out" I respond "Okay... have you thought on any clubs to join yet?" He asked me waiting for his answer "eh...not really I was thinking about joining the anime club or something" I look at him and he looks sad with his smile frowned. I really didn't want to join a club but it was for him so he was happy and so was I but I didn't really want to join one. "You said today you would..." "s-sorry T" "...hmmm how about you join my club!" He asked "what! No, no there is no need for me to join your club" "please for me?" He begs me "..Hmm...I really don't know" "heh well I kinda told the club I would bring a new member" "what! Why would you do that you should only keep promises that you will make sure happens!" I yelled a bit "I know but please just join they made cupcakes and everything for you..." Wait cupcakes! I really wasn't interested before but for a cupcake sure thing man. "...fine.. I'll look at it but I am not joining yet" "yay thank you!!!" He says happily.


{End of this chapter for the book rn}

Sorry these are short rn I am just about to sleep for my timezone so yeah I'll make sure they are longer tomorrow.

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