{Act 3} A New Club

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It's an ordinary school dat, like any other. Mornings are usually the worst, being surrounded by couples and friend groups walking to school together. Meanwhile, I've always walked to school alone. I always tell myself it's about time that I meet some girls/boys or something like that... but I have no motivation to join any clubs. I'm perfectly content.just getting by on the average while spending my free time on games and anime. There's always the anime club, but it's not like there would be any (Insert whatever), in it anyway...the school day is ordinary as ever, and it's over before I know it. After I pack up my things, I stare blankly at the wall, looking for an ounce of motivation. "Clubs..." there really aren't any that interest me besides, most of them would probably be way to demanding for ne to want to deal with. I guess I have no choice but to start with the anime club... "...Z?" (Insert a glitch affect here.) "...Jesse?" "Oh my goodness, I totally didn't expect to see you here! It's been a while, right?" Jesse says happy to see me "Ah...yeah, it has" Jesse smiles sweetly. We do know each other—well, we rarely talked, but we were in the same class last year. Jesse was probably the most popular boy in class—smart, beautiful, artist, athletic basically, completely out of my league. So having him smile at me so genuinely feels a little... "Whag did you come in here for, anyway?" "Oh, I've just been looking for supplies to use for my club. Do you know if there's any construction paper in here? Or markers?" "I guess you could check the closest...You're in the debate club, right?" Jesse giggles a bit. "Ahaha, about that...I actually quit the debate club" "Really? You quit?" I was stunned that was a shocker. "Yeah...to be honest, I can't stand all of the politics around the major clubs. It feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events...I'd rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it" "In that case, what club did you decide to join?" "Actually, I'm starting a new one! A literature club!" He says. "Literature...?" That sounds kind of...dull? "How many members do you have so far?" I asked. "Um...Ahaha...it's kind of embarrassing, but there are only three of us so far...it's really hard to find new members for something that sounds so boring..." he says "Well, I can see that..." "But it's really not boring at all, you know! Literature can be anything. Reading, writing, poetry...I mean, one of my members even keeps his manga collection in the clubroom..." "Wait...really?" "Yeah, it's funny, right? He always insists that manga is literature, too I mean, he's not wrong, I guess...and besides, a member's a member, right?" ...Did Jesse say "he"? Hmm... "Hey, Z...By any chance...are you still looking for a club to join?" "Ah— I mean, I guess so, but..." He smiles a bit more "In that case...is there any chance you could do me a big favor? I won't ask you to join, but...if you could at the very least visit my club, it would make me really happy. Please?" He asks "Um..." Well, I guess I have no reason to refuse...besides, how could I every refuse someone like Jesse? "Sure, I guess I could check it out" "Aah, awesome! You're really sweet, Z, you know that?" "I-It's nothing, really...shall se go, then? I'll look for the materials another time—you're more important" And thus, today marks the day I sold my soul to Jesse and his irresistible smile. I dejectedly follow Jesse across the school and upstairs—a section of the school I rarely visit. Jesse, full of energy, swings open the classroom door. "I'm back~! And I brought a guest with me!" "Eh? A...a guest?" (Insert a glitch screen for like half a second) "Seriously? You brought (Insert words here)? Way to kill the atmosphere" "Don't be mean, Robaire...but anyway, welcome to the club, Z!" "..." All words escape me in this situation this club...is full of incredibly cute boys!! "So, let me guess...you're Jesse's boyfriend, right?" "Wha—No, I'm not!" "Robaire..." the boy with the sour attitude, whose name is apparently Robaire, is one I don't recognize.(Insert line here that is the opposite of Natsuki). "A-Anyway, this is Robaire, energetic as usual...and this is Taeyoung, the Vice President!" Jesse introduces the two "I-It's nice to meet you..." Taeyoung, who appears comparably more mature and timid, seems to have a hard time keeping up with someone like Robaire. "Yeah...it's nice to meet both of you" "So, I ran into Z in a classroom, and he decided to come check out the club isn't that great?" "Wait! Jesse! Didn't I tell you to let me know in advance before you brought anyone new? I was going to..well, you know..." "Sorry, sorry! I didn't forget that, but I just happened to run into him" "In that case, I should at least make some tea, right?" "Yeah, that would be great! Why don't you come sit down, Z?"
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Words: 907

Sorry for the short chapter I am just in a rush that's all so yeah I'll make tge second Part after a bit so yeah.

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