{Act 1} near the end of the meeting

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"Phew..." I guess that's everyone. I glance around the room. That was a little more stressful than I anticipated. It's as if everyone is judging me for my Medicare writing abilities... even if they're just being nice, there's no way my poems can stand up to theirs. This js a literature club, after all. I sigh. I guess that's what I need up getting myself into. Across the room, T and Jesse are happily chatting. My eyes land on Taeyoung and Robaire. They gingerly exchange sheets of paper, sharing their respective poems. As they read in tandem, I watch each of their expressions change. Robaire's eyebrows furrow in frustration. Meanwhile, Taeyoung smiles sadly. "(What's with this language...?)"<- (Robaire). "Eh?" Taeyoung finally speaks a bit. "Um... did you say something?" "Oh, it's nothing" Robaire dismissively returns the poem to the desk with one hand. "I guess you could say it's fancy" "Ah- thanks... yours is... cute..." "Cute? Did you completely miss the symbolism or something? It's clearly about the feeling of giving up how can that be cute?" Robaire looks very pissed at what Taeyoung had said. "I-I know that! I just meant... the language, I guess... I was trying to say something nice..." "Eh? You mean you have to try that hard to come up with something nice to say? Thanks, but it really didn't come out nice at all!" He yells at Taeyoung. "Um... well, I do have a couple suggestions..." "Hmph if I was looking for suggestions, I would have asked someone who actually liked i which people did, by the way T liked it and Z did, too! So based on that, I'll gladly give you some suggestions of my own. First of all-" "Excuse me... I appreciate the offer, but I've spent a long time establishing my writing style. I don't expect it to change anything soon, unless of course I come across something particularly inspiring which I haven't yet" "Nn...!" "And Z liked my poem too, you know he even told me he was impressed by it." Robaire suddenly stands up. "Oh? I didn't realize you were so invested in trying to impress our new member, Taeyoung" "E-Eh?! That's not what I...! Uu... you...You... You're just..." Taeyoung stands up as well. "Maybe you're just jealous that Z appreciates my advice more than he appreciated yours!" "Huh! And how do you know he didn't appreciate my advice more? Are you that full of yourself?" "I...! No... if I was full of myself... I would deliberately go into of my way to make everything I do overly cutesy!" "Uuuuuu...!" "U-Um!! Is everyone okay...?" T tries talking to them "Well, you know what?! I wasn't the one whose (idk what to put) as soon as Z started showing up!!" "R-Robaire!!" "Um, Robaire, that's a little-" Jesse was trying to speak but got cut off. "This doesn't involve you!" "I-I don't like fighting, guys...!" Suddenly, bothh of them turn towards me, as if they just noticed I was standing there.

"Z...! He-He's just trying to make me look bad...!" "That's not true! He started it! If he could get over himself and learn to appreciate that simple writing is more effective... then this wouldn't have happened in the first place! What's the point in making your poems all convoluted for no reason? The meaning should jump out at the reader, not force them to have to figure it out. Help me explain that to him, Z!" "W-Wait! There's a reason why we have so many deep expressive words in our language! It's the only way to convert complex feelings and meaning the most effectively. Avoiding them is not only unnecessarily limiting yourself... it's also a waste! You undertake that, right, Z?" "Um...!" "Well??" They both say. "..." How did I get dragged into this in the first place?! It's not like I know anything about writing... But whomever I agree with, they'll probably think more highly of me! So of course that's gon a be...!



Help me, T!!>

{Third option was chosen}

"R-Robaire..." Robaire glares at me, drying up any words I had in my mouth. So instead, I turn to Taeyoung. "Taeyoung..." "..." But Taeyoung's expression is so defenseless that I can't bring myself to say anything to her. "... T!!" I yell "Eh?!" "...Yeah! Everyone's fighting is making T uncomfortable. How can the two of you keep fighting when you know your friend feels like this?" "Z..." "Well... That's his problem! This isn't about him" "I-I agree... it's unfair for others to interject their own feelings into our conflict." "Yeah, unless T wants to tell Taeyoung what a stuck-up jerk he's being" "He would never...! It's your immaturity that's made her upset in the first place!" "Excues me? Are you listening to yourself? This is exactly why... exactly why nobody likes-" "Stop!" T yells all of the sudden. "-" the two are quite. "Robaire! Taeyoung! You guys are my friends! I-I just want everyone to get along and be happy! My friends are wonderful people... and I love them because of their differences! Robaire's poems... they're amazing because they give you so many feelings with just a few words! And Taeyoung's poems are amazing because they paint beautiful pictures in your head! Everyone's so talented... so why are we fighting...?" "Be-Because..." Robaire tries looking for words. "Well..." same with Taeyoung. "Also! Robaire's cute and there's nothing wrong with that! And Taeyoung's (can't put cause he is a guy-)" "..." "..." "T..." I say. T stands triumphantly. Jesse stands behind him with a bewildered expression. "I'll...make some tea..." Taeyoung rushes off. Robaire sits down with a blank expression on his face, staring at nothing. "So this is why T is Vice President..." I wishper to Jesse. He nods in return. "To be honest... I might come off as a good leader, I can organize things... but I'm not very good with people... I couldn't even bring myself to interject. As President, that's kind of embarrassing for me. Ahaha..." "Nah... it's not like I can blame you I wasn't able to say anything, either." "Well... I guess thag just means T is amazing in his own ways, isn't he?" "You could say that. He might be an airhead, but sometimes it's weirdly suspicious that he knows exactly what he's doing" "I see~ take good care of him, okay? I would hate to see him get himself hurt." "That makes two of us... you can count on me" Jesse she's sweetly at me, causing my stomach to knot. Such a genuine person really does make a good President, regardless of what he says. If only I could talk to him a little more...

*time skils yaas*

"Okay, everyone! It's just about time for us to leave. How did you all feel about sharing poems?" "It was a lot of fun!" T says with a lot of joy. "Well, I'd say it was worth it" Taeyiung responded to Jesse's question. "It was alright. Well, mostly" Robaire was still made at Taeyoung a bit. "Z, what about you?" "...Yeah, I'd say the same. It was a neat thing to talk about with everyone" "Awesome! Incase we'll do the same thing tomorrow. And maybe you learned something from your friends, too. So your poems will turn out even better!" "..." I think tk myself. I did learn a little more about kinda of poems everyone likes. With any luck, that means I can at least do a better job impressing those I want to impress. I nod to myself with a newfound determination. "Z! Ready to walk home?" "Sure, let's go" "Ehehe~" man his giggle is adorable. T beams at me. It truly has been a while since T and I have spent this much time together. I can't really say I'm not enjoying it, either.

At the houses

"T... about what happened earlier..." "Eh? What do you mean?" "You know, between Taeyoung and Robaire. Does that kind of thing happen often?" "No, No, No! That's the first time I've seen them flight like that... I promise you they're both wonderful people. You don't... you don't hate them, do you??" "No, I don't hate them! I just wanted your opinion, that's all. I can see why they'd make good friends with with you" "Phew... you know, Z... it's nice that I get to spend time with you in the club but I think seeing you get along with everyone is what makes me the happiest. And I think everyone really likes you, too!" "That's-!" "Ehehe~ everyday is going to be so much fun~" "Sigh..." it looks like T hasn't caught onto the kind of situation I'm in. Sure, being friends with everyone is nice, but... does it really need to stop there? "We'll just have to see what the future holds, T." I pat T's shoulder. I that to myself more than him, but it's easy to use T as an internal monologue sometimes. "Okay~!" Yeah... let's do this!
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