{Act 1} part 3 - A Brand New Day

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Another day passes, and it's time for the club meeting already. I've gotten a little more comfortable here over the past couple days. Entering the clubroom, the usual scene greets me. "Hi Z~" T walks up to Mr. "Yo, T looks like you're in a good mood today." "Ehehe~ I'm still not used to you being in the club, that's all" "I see... that's a pretty simple thing to get you in a good mood but I guess it's always the simple things with you, anyway" He opens his eyes and looks at me "Speaking of which... I'm kinda hungry... will you come with me to buy a snack?" I knew exactly what was happening. "No thanks." "Eh? T-That's not like you at all!!" "I have my reasons why don't we take a look at your wallet, T?" "E-Eh? Why that... all of a sudden?" "No reason, really I just wanted to look at it" "A-Ah..." T nervously retrieves his wallet with his money in it. He fiddles with the lock and opens it. He then proceeds to take all of his money out and puts it onto the desk. The only thing was 2 dollars. "A-Ahaha..." "I knew it... I can see right through you, T" "That's not fair! How did you even know? It's simple if you had enough money in the first place, you would have bought a snack before coming to the clubroom so, either you're not hungry and wanted an excuse to take a walk... or, you planned to conveniently forget that you spent all your money, so that I would lend you some! But there's one more thing... you're always hungry! And so, that only leaves the one option!" "Uwaaa~! I give up don't make me feel guiltyyy!" "If you feel guilty, that means you deserve to feel guilty..." "Ahaha.." We hear Taeyoung suddenly laugh. "Eh?" I didn't notice he was listening in. His face is in his book, as always. "A-Ah! I wasn't listening or anything—! It was just... something in my book..." "Taeyounggg... tell Z to let me borrow some money..." "That's—! Don't get me involved like that, T... besides... you should only buy what you can responsibly afford... and frankly, after pulling a mischievous little stunt like that, your suffering is fair enough retribution." "..." "Ah—! Did I just... I-I didn't mean that!! I got to absorbed into my book... Uu..." "Ahaha! I really like it when you speak your mind, Taeyoung... it doesn't happen much, but it's a fun side of you!" Taeyoung looks back at us. "That's... there's no way you could think that..." his smile frowns a bit. "You were right, though... I did something bad and now I have to accept the revolution." "Retribution..." Taeyoung corrected T "That!" "Still, coming from you, T... I guess there's a little devil inside of all of us, isn't there?" Taeyoung speaks more of hos thoughts "Ehehe..." T giggles. "Don't let him fool you T knows exactly what he's doing. After all, she told you guys he was bringing me to the club before he even told me..." I say a bit sad at the end. He really did fool them then. "B-But...! You wouldn't have come if it weren't for the cupcakes... so I had to trick Robaire into making them!" "Come on, give me more credit than that, T." "Ehehe..." Pwap! "Kyaa—!" Out of nowhere, something smacks T in the face and tumbles onto the desk. "Ow... What was— Eh?? A-A cookie!" Sure enough, it's a giant cookie wrapped in plastic. T glances around. "I-Is this a miracle?? It's because I paid my restitution!" "Retribution..." I corrected him too. "Actually, that one almost worked..." "Ahahaha!" Robaire walks to us. "I was just gonna give it to you. But then I heard you blab about the cupcakes. It was totally worth your reaction, though. Ahaha!" "R-Robaire! That's so nice of you! I'm so happy..." T hugs the cookie. "Jeez, just eat it..." T rapidly tears open the wrapper and takes a big bite. "Sho good... Mmf—!" T suddenly clasps his hands over his mouth. "I bit my tongue..." "Ehehe. You're going through a lot over just one cookie." Robaire says then he takes a bite out of his own cookie. "Ah, yours looks really good too, Robaire! Can I try it?" He asks "Jeez... beggars can't be choosers!" "But yours is chocolate..." "Yeah, why do you think I gave you that one?" He looks at T "Fine... still, I'm really happy you shared this one with me. Ehehe~" T gets out of his seat and goes behind Robaire, then wraps his arms around him. "Ah— Jeez..  I get it, I get it." Cookie still in hand, Robaire reaches up to nudge T off of him. "..Om" T suddenly leans down and takes a bite out of Robaire's cookie. "H-Hey!! Did you seriously just do that?!" "Uhuhuhu!" Mouth full, T trots away to safety. Taeyoung and I laugh as well. "Jeez! You're a kid sometimes! Jesse can you tell T— — eh?" Robaire glances around. Jesse isn't in the clubroom. "Ugh... where's Jesse, anyway?" "Good question... have any of you heard about him being late today?" "Not me..." T says. "Yeah, I haven't either." I give my response. "Hm... that's a bit unusual." Tae looks at the ground. "I hope he's okay..." "Of course he's okay. He probably just had something to do today. He's pretty popular, after all..." "Eh? You don't think he... he has a...!" "Ahaha. I wouldn't be surprised. He probably. Ore desirable than all of us combined." Tae says. "Ehehe, that's true..." "Excuse me!!" Robaire shouts. Suddenly the door swings open. "Sorry! I'm supper sorry!" Jesse walks in. "Ah, there you are..." "I didn't mean to be late... I hope you guys weren't worried or anything!" "Eh?? Jesse chose the club over his girlfriend after all! You're so strong-willed!" "G-Girlfriend...? What on Earth are you talking about?" Jesse quizzically glances at me. "Ah, never mind that..." "what help you up, anyway?" I asked curiously. "Ah... well, my last period today was studdy hall and to be honest, I kind of just lost track of time... Ahaha..." "That makes no sense, though" Robaire suddenly says out of the blue. "You wod have heard the bell ring, at least" "I must of not heard it, since I was practising piano..." "Piano...?" Tae looks at him. "I wasn't aware you played music as well, Jesse." "Ah, I don't, really...! I kind of just started recently I've always wanted to learn piano." "That's so cool!" T says very happily about what Jesse said. "You should play for us, Jesse!" "That's..." Jesse looks at me. "Maybe once I get a little bit better, I will" "Yay~!" T cheers. "That sounds cool I'd also look forward to it" "Is that so? In that case... I won't let you down, Z." Jesse smiles sweetly. "Ah... I didn't mean any pressure or anything like that!" "Ahaha, don't worry I've been practising a whole lot recently. And I'd really love the chance to share once I'm ready." Jesse puts his hands on his hips. "I see... in that case, best of luck." "Thanks~! So, I didn't miss anything, did I?" He removes his hands from his own hips.

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