~ Bad Day ~

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Saved on.. 6.05.2022

To: tejasswiprakash@gmail.com

Subject: Bad day

Today was a bad day. My heart broke seeing you in tears. But I know it was not your fault. In fact nothing went wrong today. We had it handled right in time. Out of nowhere we had an emergency. You were quick enough to come to his rescue. He had traumatic
asphysxia. You were all alone with the family of the patient. Thankfully I reached on time. Just as I left to
bring the first aid kit, you were prepping for CPR. I’m sorry I had to hurt you in the course of saving him.
He was having severe cardiac tamponade. He was conscious also. If I had not stopped you he might have
died. That was not a safe option. I saw the way you flinched. I should have behaved better.

I was already feeling low about saving him. I was
inexperienced and on top of that you started yelling at me for  for holding you back. I didn’t mean to shout
back. It was just.. Urgh. I was not in the right state of mind. But I’m thankful we began pericardiocentesis and the
ambulance arrived as soon as that. He was saved. But I lost you. Everyone congratulated me. You did too, but
you left sooner. I didn’t see you after that. Oh God. What did I do

Draft saved on 6/05/2022


Saved on 6.05.2022

To: Karankundrra@gmail.com

Subject: Bad Day

This is not how i imagined the day to go . It was a bad day. I thought i heard my heart breaking when you shouted at me. Yes , i was inexperienced  but what else could have i done ? I panicked seeing the patient's state and his family was putting so much pressure while you were gone to bring the first- aid kit . I thought of something and tried to gve him cpr but you came and started shouting at me and held me back statng that he was conscious.  I tried to control my tears but i couldn't . My chest felt utterly heavy and in retaliation i shouted back at you for holding me back.

How could you shout at me huh ? You didn't owe me anything though. I realised after sometime that it was all my expectations. We weren't even friends so why would me or my emotions matter  to you ? I congratulated you because i genuinly was happy for you but upset with myself for letting you affect me so much . So i excused and kept myself locked in my room for the next few hours

Draft Saved on 6/05/2022

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