~ The Movie Night ~

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Saved on..9.05.22


Subject : The Movie Night

One  more day and you’ll be gone. There wont be even seeing you anymore. And its not even 24 hours. How cruel can time be?!
The villagers had planned a movie today. It was something none of us could avoid. They had a big screen in the open ground with our students helping them with the projectors.

You were siiting in the extreme opposite and even after wanting so much to sit beside you i didn't .
The movie started but for the first few moments my attention was only on you , stealing glances of you as you gushed over the little moments of the leads , how you laughed when hero , Ram  fainted at one touch of the heroine, Janu . It was ony half an our later i finally concentrated on the movie .

Eventually I couldn't help but relate to ram . That boy was madly in love with Janum . The way he blushed and every single reaction of his remnded me of how i behaved with you around . I wonder if  was as obviois as him. My heart broke when ram didn't arrive after their exams ended and she didn't get to know why did he leave . I saw you crying  from the corner of my eyes. My heart felt more heavy seeing you cry.

I was at the edge the whole time when they met at their college reunion years later. My heart weeped for the man who was still so much in love and couldn't move on. Jaanu was married and here he was still madly in love with her , waiting for her , for her to reciprocate his love . Like me , All i wanted was to scream and tell you how much i loved you but i couldn't do it . You didn't deserve me .. And this one sided love was going to stay my secret forever.  i swear i felt a few tears drop my eyes as Jaanu left back to her family and the love he had for her remained just an unrequited love. What was his fault in all this ?  What is my fault in this ? Why can't i have you teja ? Why ? Why does this have to be so difficult and painful ?

Draft Saved On 9/05/2022


Saved on 9.05.22

To: Karankundrra@gmail.com
Bcc/ Cc :

Subject: The Movie Night

One more day ! Ony one more day left and we'll be gone our ways. I missed you . Even though we never spent much time , i missed even the small stolen moments with you be it the locking of our eyes , you helping me , or smiling at me. I was content with it . I swear i was. Atleast i felt a bit close to you.

But here we were , you were sitting in the extreme opposite corner with your friends . I tried my best to not think about you and concentrate on the movie . My eyes blurred midway , relating so much to jaanu. The way she loved Ram. I felt so bad when ram left unanounced . I was feeling the same heartbreak right now seeing  you go away , her pain must be much more but mine wasn't less. I was so much in love that it pained , pained so bad to know you  will never be mine. To know that my love for you  will always remain an unrequited love . A secret i am going to take with me to my death bed.

I was sobbing when i realised they weren't going to get a happy ending just like us . Just like us karan. If there was even an us. I can't . My heart feels shallow ,  You are never going to reciprocate my feelings. I don't know if i'll ever get over you . It will be so difficult for me to forget you and move on . Ganpatti Bappa , you made me fall in love but why didn't you give me strength  to bear the pain it brought ? Why ? Karan , I hope you'll forgive me someday , maybe. Till then i'll live with the pain of you hating me .

Draft Saved on 9/05/2022

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