Ch 1: Motherhood

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Jessica's pov

I was in the living room, sitting in front of my laptop between my papers working. I used to work from home, from the day I got my boys. I can't miss them growing up. I can't miss these special moments.

I was in the middle of a conversation with my assistant and suddenly I heard a cry coming from the baby monitor.

" Kate, sorry... I'll call you later, Luke is awake."

" Aww, Yes no problem ma'am."

I hung up and rushed to his bedroom. I went to the crib. He made grabby hands towards me trying to reach my shirt as he was still crying and sleepy. He tried getting to me by jumping on his butt.

" Lucaaaas! Who wants his mommy? My cutie wants his mommy?"

" Mama." He gave me that smile and started cooing.

" Come come." I hold him in my embrace and he started wetting my cheeks with his kisses, I laughed

" Who wants milk?" I asked and he started wiggling happily and pulling my shirt to find my breast.

The little hungry. I sat on the sofa, put him on my lap and I started feeding my baby

This is a blessing! I'm happy that I'm a mother

He soon pulled his mouth out and looked at me smiling innocently

" Let's go down stairs and play till Cole and Nicolas come?"

"Yeahh mama!! " He flapped his hand happily

I took him downstairs to the playing room, kissing and talking to my baby. Then I put him in the ball pit. He likes it. He took the balls and crashed them together and threw one of them making sounds of crashing and falling.

" I love my cutie... Being a mischief-maker." I said as I tickled him

He giggled there rolling on his sides

" Mama no! "He let out shaking his index Finger left to right while laughing and colliding his head in the neck like a turtle

" Aww mama loves eating her baby." I said as I put my head on his stomach and pretended like eating him," Yum yum yum."

He laughed pushing my head with his small fingers

" Mama baby, no food!! "

He pulled my hair as I reached my hands to free them. He just rolled away and started crawling so fast while Looking back at me and giggling with the evil smile.

I laughed at the cuteness and the smartness he has. Lucas is 20 months so close to being two years old just four months ahead. I played tag with him as he stood on his feet and here we are he started running and stumbling with the balls under his feet and giggle

Few minutes later, I took my baby out of the ball pit and we walked to the sticky window

" Let's stick pom poms." I grabbed the box of pom poms

He took the box and spilled the pom poms out and picked them one by one and stuck them on the window. then once all were done he took them out and keep them back in the box.

" Let's play with fabric scraps, run, run, run, get the box." I clapped my hands

He ran to get the fabric scraps and came to me giggling while holding the box with his both hands.

" Let's start."

We put the pieces on the ground.

" Focus Luca! Do you see them? Can I turn them?"

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