Luke's pov
I stretched my arm and legs opening my eyes to see mama's smiling face. I smiled and said softly," Good mowning."
" Good morning, daddy's baby... Daddy's favorite." Dada kissed my cheek then my neck, making me giggle
I looked around to see Bubbas here too. I immediately sat up giving a grand smile and jumped to my bubbas
" Mowning bubbas!!" I started filling their faces with big kisses
" I can't believe you Luke, that was a quick betrayal." Dada said as my bubbas smiled and kissed me
" No betwayal dada! I was just saying good mowning to my bubbas." I said again and sat between them, wrapping their arms over me, I love today!
" Luke, do you know what today?" Mama asked
" What mama? We having a chocwate cake for bweakfast??" I asked excitedly
" Okay, that's for later, but today is our best day!"
" You're born on this day, Luke." Cole said
" You got out of Mama's tummy." Nino added
" So guys." Dad initiated and all of them started singing 'Happy birthday'
" I was in your tummy too mama??" I asked wide eyed
" Yeah, mommy ate you then pooped you." Nino said and all of them laughed hysterically
I frowned and said, " No! she didn't, don't say stu-" Uh oh I was about to say the wrong word again!! What was the other better word for ittt?!?! Oh yeahh, " -Silly things."
" Don't listen to them and let's get ready for this special day." Mama said
" Make many wishes, dada today will release them."
" Really?" I asked evilly, " Anything I ask the whole day?"
" Dad!?" Cole and Nino were wide-eyed
" Shh, don't worry kiddos, what a baby with 2 year old could wish for? Ofc nothing more than a trip to the zoo." Dada whispered to them
" I WANT A CYCLE!! " I exclaimed
" A cycle, Loulou? Ofc and dada will help you to ride it." Dada said
" Yeah and I want the same spider man t-shirts for four!!" I asked
" For four? You see, boys, totally nothing to worry about. Three for you and one for me, just the men of the house." He smirked proudly
" No daddy, just the boys of the house." I corrected " Me, my bubbas and my best friend Artemis too!!"
" Okay there is something to worry about! This kid hates me." He glared," Jess take him to shower."
" I don't hate you dada," I said innocently. " Don't glare, I don't like it." I got up and fixed it for him as I kissed him right on the scary frown
He smiled and picked me up," This won't make you run away from the shower."
" Noo I don't want to shower!!" I huffed, " Didn't you say you will release all my wishes today? I don't want to shower that's it!!"
" No, that was before you excluded me from the spiderman shirt party."
" No, dada, you don't listen and understand!! If I let you be with us being the spiderman then who would accompany my mama? And cawamel? You three dress the same!! And no shower you pwomised!!"
" I didn't, c'mon, we will have shower together, Jess get me the robes!"
" Nooo shower pweaseee," I whined. " IT'S MY ONLY WISH. NO SHOWER FOR-" I counted on my fingers and said, "- 10 WEEKS!!"

Carnells in another universe
RandomLet's imagine the Carnells in another universe when their mother didn't die, when they are actually brothers, when they have less mess in their life. Enjoy reading this!