ch 13: Just come fast

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Cole's pov

I was playing on my Pc with Malik

" Malik, come, I saw someone."

" I don't care, I'm away from you."

" Bitch, you are just 50m away."

" I don't fucking care."

Suddenly Dad barged into the room

Crap! Did he hear us?

We got startled and sat in reflex.

" Boys, it's Sunday and you know chores day, so here's the list for both of you, share the work."

" Yes dad!" We say lazily, lying on the bed

" And do something productive stop playing all the time."

" Fine!"

I mentally rolled my eyes. like just sunday we have and that too reserved for these stupid chores

" Yeah, we will do the chores later."

" Thank you, boys." He said and left the room

Suddenly a jumping Luke barged in our room and said loudly

" Bubbas let's go pway with lady bugs!!"

I don't know why he thinks we can't hear him and why we would wanna play with the lady birds all the time, I seriously don't know what he thinks sometime

" Not now Luke, we are already playing." Malik said

" Yep, go play with Artemis, we will join later"

" I wanna pway with the phone too! ARTEMIS!!"

Now he called the other troublemaker

No matter how he is cute, he is still annoying

" Stop yelling." Malik said

" And get out, you are not playing." I added

" I am!" He said sassily

" And I won't get out too." He huffed

Malik got up, picked him up and kicked him out, slamming the door and locking it

" Let me see how he will enter now." Malik smirked and returned to his bed, playing on his PC

" I WILL TELL DADA!!!!" He yelled from the other side as Artemis barked with him

Few minutes later we heard a knock on our door. I hope our lil snitch of a baby brother didn't tattle on us, which he most likely did

" Malik, Marco, open the door." Dad said from the other side

" He did it." We said together and went to open the door pausing our game

" What's going on with you? Why kicking him that way? Why slamming the door? How many times I said don't slam the doors?" He scolded

" Sorry dad. "

" We just wanted to play the game and he won't listen"

" Yeah, yeah, next time call me I will take him out and don't do that again, second you are playing now almost 2 hours so turn it off after this game."

" Fine dad." We said together

" Thank you and be nice to him." He said and left the room

" Hey hey! Let's pway!" Here comes the smug snitch, just look at the guts

" They don't want to play right now and we should respect that so let's do things together, dada and Luke."

He looked at us glaring

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