Ch 16: The bike

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Luke's pov

I woke up and checked the clock. The small hand on 6 and big one 12, it's 6 in the mowning!

I saw the pwetty face of my mama and big dada snoring lightly. I peeked to see my baby brother's crib. He was crying.

Ohh he woke up early, such a good baby already!

I got out the bed

" I am coming spider!! Mowning mowning!" I said slowly and tried climbing his crib up

But I am still so short to go there! Ughh not good!!

I slid the chair to the crib and climbed on it then climbed on the crib, uh oh, I shouldn't land on my brother!

I carefully got in. " Mowning baby spider." I tapped his nose, his nose even smaller than mine!

I took his hands. They were too small. But he was still crying, I patted his little head and tummy very lightly.

" Shh, don't cwy, don't cwy."

He stopped and looked everywhere fluffing his hands and legs in the air then returned to cry.

I kissed his head. " Don't cwy, you will love it here!"

I looked around, I have to make him stop cwying!!

Then I saw my pacifer on the table, I climbed down the crib, took the pacifer and climbed it back.

It's so much hard wok!!

I put the pacifer in his mouth and he stopped cwying and looked everywhere moving his small hands.

I carressed his hair

" So lovely mowning, you know me?? I am your big brother, Luke, and you have two more big bwothers then you have aunty and uncle. Vin Vin, the eric and his baby brother, gwanma, granpa, uncle Ben. Artemis too, he is our pet and my best fwiend, cawamel too my other fwiend!! We have a big big family even Linda too!!" I was telling him about our family and caressed his head while he looked at me with his eyes

He has beautiful eyes, they are really pwetty!! Sky blue!

" You want a story? Stories are fun, I will read you one then you will know how they are!"

I read him a short story about how a boy wanted a bwother and he prayed to god and god gave him one. He listened to me very nicely

Then I started patting his soft tummy and head very lightly, I don't want him to get hurt.

" You know I memorise the song little bwother from the cartoon, wait I will sing for you!!"

I patted his head and tummy as I sang. " Even when you bweak my toys... You will always be my... Little bwother, cause you are younger... We are welated and you are a boy! Even when you make too much noise, you will aways be my, little bwother~~"

" Lucas! Baby? Aww you rocked your brother? So nice!" Mama cooed, smiling at me

" Yes mama, mowning." I blew a kiss to her

" Morning, good job." She kissed me many times," The baby is hungry, Loulou, let me feed him."

" Okay mama, take him, be careful pwease."

" Yeah." She took him carefully and sat on the bed and started feeding him," Look how hungry he is? He is lucky, got the best three big brothers ever."

" Yeah, now I wanna see my bubbas!" I said and climbed down the crib

" Luke, wait, it's so early, they are asleep."

I pouted and went to the bed and sat on dada's tummy. He hugged me and adjusted my position.

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