ch 9: Playing inside

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Luke's pov

I said goodbye to mama as she went with aunt for shopping, and I was home with my bubbas and dad

Bubbas were doing their vacation homewok while daddy was doing some work. I wanted to pway out in the garden, but they said it's too hot today today to be there.

So, I called Atimis inside without telling them and pwayed with him with the ball. I would have called cawamel too, but she was sleeping.

" Don't go near dada or bubbas, they are woking, we just pway in here, okay?" I asked and woofed

I threw the ball, and he went to catch it then came back to me with the ball. I was throwing the ball and suddenly Linda appeared with a cup in her hand. The ball hit her hand. I gasped in shock. The cup fell down and broke

" Sowry Linda, are you okay?" I asked, I was worried if she was hurt and also worried if my dada heard!

" Yep, I'm good, baby, go to the living room, I'll clean the place." She said

I went away to the glass room area. Here, dada meets the outsider or his assis-tant for work sometime.

" Let's pway here but don't woof a lot and I will slowly throw the ball, okay?"

He woofed again

" Shh! We will get a corner!" I hushed him

" Luke! What did you do?" I heard Nino's voice as he entered the glass room with a big paper

" Hey Nino." I said innocently as Artemis stood with me

" Hey, what are you doing, here?"

" I was teaching Artemis to catch a ball."

" Here? In the glass room? To break all the glass?" He scolded

I hung my head down. " No, sowry. We will play elsewhere."

Artemis woofed in my support

" Not elsewhere, Come with me, let's color."

" I wanna pway with the ball and with him, I don't wanna color now."

" Lucas, don't make me mad, put the ball there and come inside."

" Pwease?"

" Ugh, come play in the basement but be careful."

" Thank you!! Let's go Artemis!!" I said and we ran to the basement together

Time skip™

I was throwing the ball and he was catching it and we were pwaying with so much fun.

" Catch this Artemis!!" I said and threw the ball higher

He went to catch it, this time, the ball landed on the big TV screen we have for special movie nights and it broke down. Artemis was only a few steps away fwom me.

I took him. " Are you okay? Hurt anywhere?"

He woofed that he is fine, my brothers came running

" Lucas!!! What did you do?" Cole asked

" I... threw the ball......wind hit it .. it went higher and hit the TV"

" Ohh goodness, Dad will be so mad!" Cole said

" First, come here." Nino called me

I went to him slowly

" You are okay?" He crouched down and checked me

" Yes I am okay. Check Artemis pwease."

" Okay." He took Artimis in his arms and checked him, " He is good."

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