Current Mood: Confuzzled

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Season 2

It had been almost two days since the two had kissed and Blakely always caught Peter staring, and when he wasn't looking, she did it too.

One night Blakely sat on the dirt and used a rock as a table while she drew a picture of Henry. This time it wasn't because of a dream, she just missed him.

When she finished she signed her name along the edge of the left side like she always did and rolled it up.

She looked behind her and saw all the lost boys banging sticks and dancing around the fire. It wasn't bad enough they looked like barbarians, they also had to act like them. She then noticed Pan talking to a tall blonde. They seemed to always be at each other's side.

When Pan looked over at her one more time an idea came to her. She stood up and dusted off her jeans and made her way past a few stray lost boys and into the forest.

When she was far enough away from the camp she got a running start and flew into the sky.

She made sure she stuck close to the island until she saw Pan standing by the edge of a cliff.

She flew down and landed inches away from him.

"You seem to like it up there." He said.

"It's quieter." She told him. The truth was that nobody was up there to judge her or make her feel insecure.

"You like being alone?" He questioned.

"It's just easier." She said lightly.

"Then I'll let you be." He said and started to turn and walk away before she grabbed his hand to stop him.

"But I also like being alone with you." Blakely admitted.

- - -

The next day Blakely found a spot on the top of the highest mountain on the island. Trying to find some time alone with her own thoughts.

The sound of scuffling drew her attention away from her thoughts. She turned and saw Peter walking her way.

Her plan to be alone was ruined. She didn't know why but all of a sudden she was extremely angry. She remembered she'd have to leave and probably never see Peter again. She had spent the night wondering if her family was worried about her.

She huffed. "How'd you find me?"

He walked over and sat next to her on the ground. "What was your family like?" He asked as if he could hear her thoughts.

"Please don't. I can't even hear myself loosing the will to live." She said bluntly. He clearly couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

"Did I do something to make you mad?" He asked.

"No." She assured him. "The different parts of my family fight a lot." She started.

"And your brother?" He asked.

"He's...just a kid. But he did bring my mom to town to break a curse." She added with a small shrugged. "He wanted to believe so bad that fairytales were real. What about your family?" She changed the subject quickly.

"I didn't have any."


"The closest I ever got to one was a friend. He had a son. After he died his son and I came here. Eventually the boy..." Pan thought for a moment, "I guess he just didn't want to stay here anymore."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He was quiet for a moment before he finally spoke again. "You have people back home who need you. You should get back to them." He held out his hand to reveal a white bean.

Blakely was reluctant to take it. It was her one way home. But it was to a place where she was neglected, angry, a home where she was alone.

She never felt any of that in Neverland. It had been more of a home to her than Storybrooke ever was. Pan cared more about her feelings than most of her family ever did.

They shared one final kiss. A kiss Blakely wanted to savor. She didn't want to go.

Pan pulled away. "Go, before I change my mind."

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