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"How can you be so sure it's a map?" Mary Margaret asked

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"How can you be so sure it's a map?" Mary Margaret asked.

"There was a short time in Neverland when Baelfire was aboard my ship. I taught him to navigate using the stars. What you're looking at is the fruit of my labors."

"Then you can read it."

"Sadly, no." Hook answered.

"Is it just me or do all your pirate stories always have a catch?" Blakely commented dryly.

"Yes, but I also taught Neal something else. The key to being a pirate. Secrecy."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the catch." Blakely huffed.

"The best captains conceal their maps in code. And he was an apt pupil." Hook continued and ignored Blakely's comment.

"So, you're saying the only person who can read this map is Neal?"

"Which means the only person who can read it is dead." Emma said and walked out of the cave. David and Mary Margaret ran after her.

After a while the three of them came back and they all continued to look around the cave.

"Woah." Emma jumped onto a rock and looked at the wall.

"What is it?" Blakely asked.

"Did you find something." David looked over at Emma and Hook.

"It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island."

"What's wrong?" Mary Margaret walked over to them.

"Look here." Emma pointed to a bunch of dashes on the wall. "Neal stopped counting." Emma guessed.

"Because he got off the island." Mary Margaret said.

"He was here longer." Emma corrected her hopeful thought.

"Then why would he..." David started.

"Because he lost hope." Emma said.

"You got that from scribbles?" Regina asked and finally joined them.

Emma jumped off the rock. "I got that because it's what I did every time I went to a new foster home. Counted days until counting seemed pointless." She sighed and leaned against the rock.

"You think the same thing's happening to Henry." David thought.

"Pan said it would."

"Hey. We're going to rescue him." David assured his daughter.

"Yeah, I know that. And you know that. But Henry doesn't know that. Pan wants him to lose faith." Emma said.

"So what?" Regina asked. "You want to send him a message? Because I haven't seen a Neverland post office. What are you suggesting?"

"We take a page from Pan. And we start being clever. We need to send a simple sign. A sign that we're coming."

"With lost boys running around trying to kill us all?" Regina held out her arms.

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