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"Oh wow, she thinks we're crazy

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"Oh wow, she thinks we're crazy."
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Mavis sat down on the cold ground tile of the employee bathroom. Her head labeled on the surface of the toilet, remnant of her lunch still evident on her cheek, leaving a trail from it to the toilet. Her breaths were heavy, and she looked exhausted. Her hands trembled as she sat up too quickly, resulting in her losing balance but fortunately finding balance.

Brushing off the looks she gets when she walks to the sink, she turns the faucet on and proceeds to splash water onto her face in an attempt at ridding herself of any leftover vomit. Along with rinsing her mouth, she looked up at the mirror only to see a disheveled version of herself. Mascara ran down her cheeks, making her look like a woman in mourning, and her lip gloss had all but faded. Her eyes puffy from crying due to the pain that came with not having anything left to let out, but still uncontrollably doing so.

Her eyes were also slightly sunken, and she had slight dark patches. She grumbled at the sight of herself. She looked like hell. And she knew she wouldn't be able to hide it. But she could try. She wiped away her mascara, moving to apply some more, before putting on some glossy scented lipstick, hoping to mask any odor that remained. While still looking exhausted, the woman looked somewhat presentable. Enough to fool those who only really want to glance at her in either pity, or disgust. This was enough. Straightening her posture she let out an exhausted breath, and felt herself ready to walk out.

Exiting the bathroom, she looked from left to right, in case The Handler were around, before sighing in relief, and turning to walk back to her cold office, only to be met with a hard wall, that looking us, turned out to be none other then Will, who was also accompanied by number Five, "Woah! Hey!" She backed away, looking apologetically at the both of them, though only walking into the one, "Sorry! I'm so sorry, I should have been looking where I was going, and I-"  she was cut off by a hand being laid onto her shoulder, "Hey, look it's okay alright." Five said more as a statement than a question, "You okay?"

Will had noticed something off about her, making it very difficult not to poke through her head, but managed to control himself. Both Five and the man could see something wasn't right with Mavis. She is usually a hard-ass, who cares about getting the job done, and wouldn't be so apologetic, to anyone in the building, especially those two, who have made it a habit of poking fun at each other, with minor insults, and snarky banter. It was their thing.

Mavis looked at the two almost perplexed at Will's question, her mind not going automatically to them actually being concerned, before remembering who she was walking to. Will was probably the most caring person in the world, and she could read people enough to know when they are being genuine, she just hasn't had to do it in a while.

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