It's been a few days since Mario left. He FaceTimes us all day. We talk as if we're starting over but Ian tryna get my hopes up.
I'm still with Rakim and he understands that Mario calls to talk to me and the boys.
I also told Mario Rakim was coming down for Valentine's Day and Jess is keeping the kids at my house.
He felt some way but he know we not together.
The last few days have been okay honestly. Now that my boys are 8 months they don't cry as much and they have became more active but nothing I can't handle.
Brandy has been with her new dude lately but she brings me Rihanna so she can talk with Mario too.
As far as his mama and Brook I just prefer to leave the weird energies alone. They call to see the boys but it's a 3 way between me them and Mario.
I was laying in bed while Robyn was watching tv and the boys were crawling.
"Daddy's calling!" I told them.
Robyn ram to the phone.
Hello?Hey Mario I miss you.
Robyn said immediately.
Wassup baby girl I miss you too. You marking ya calendar ?
Yes. I can't wait for spring break.
She had made us laugh.
Me either stink. Where my boys?
Right here crawling they won't sit still.
I'm already knowing.
I grabbed them. "Dada on the phone." I said.
Damien kept tryna grab it.
Guess what boys y'all daddy been going hard since I been out here. Y'all gotta be at daddy first game of the second season cheering me on. Y'all and y'all bald head mama.
Who bald head?
He laughed.
You know them edges a lil thin but I gotta go I just called to see what y'all was doing.
I was finna say some but you lucky the kids here. Bye we love you.
I love y'all too. Bye
We hung up.
"You and Mario gone date again?" Robyn asked me. "Only time will tell baby but not right now."
She nodded.
"As long as y'all eventually do."
I smiled and kissed her cheek.
*fast forward*
It was Valentine's Day and Rakim flew in last night. I hadn't seen him yet cause I've had the kids.I just finished making them heart shape pancakes with eggs bacon oatmeal and strawberry orange juice with heart shaped ice cubes.
I always wanted to spoil my babies on Valentine's Day. I got Robyn some gifts and bears.
My boys had gifts and cards also that I added to they room and gave em bears. Mario sent some stuff down here but I didn't open it yet.
Speaking of he's calling.
Hello?Wassup what y'all doing?
They eating breakfast.