School starts back tomorrow and I don't know if I'mma continue going.
Like I don't wanna be a dropout but I don't wanna go through all the humiliation either. I'm big as fuck, I'm always out of breath, and I can't reveal that Damarion's the father.
I was just sitting at work on my lunch break thinking. "Raquel?" I looked up to see Damarion.
"What?" I asked.
"I been trying to get in contact with you." "How you know where I work?" I asked him.
"Brandy told me. Raquel please talk to me. Let me be in my sons's life please." "Don't say it like I'm keeping you from them Damarion it just want be an us thing anymore."
"I'll leave Brandy I promise Raquel I don't know what's wrong with me lately but I haven't been to sleep since please."
I shook my head. "No Damarion. I'm always here for you, I want the best for you, I'll love to see you make it to the big leagues, me and your sons watching they daddy on t.v, but there won't be an us. I'm sorry."
I walked off to clock back in.
"Raquel I love you." "You don't love me Damarion you love the way I make you feel. I have to get back to work I'll talk to you later." I clocked back in.
I was exhausted but I gotta make this money for my babies.
I work as a cashier at Kroger people see that I'm pregnant and tip me very well. "Raquel you back from break?" I nodded.
"Okay let Jackie out for lunch."
I sighed and did as told. My feet is killing me and I spent my whole break arguing with this bitch nigga.
"How far along are you?"
"5 months." I said. "Awww what you having?" "Twin boys." I said. "You gone have a lot on your hands." "Yeah." I finished scanning all her stuff and started bagging it since I never got a bagger.
I was finally going home. I wobbled my way to the bus station. Normally Marcus would come get me but he was busy.I sat here rubbing my belly until it came.
"Ma'am can I offer you a ride?" An older lady said pulling up. "No ma'am I'm waiting on my bus." "You sure? Is there anything I can do for you?" I shook my head no.
"Okay baby be safe take care." "Thanks."
She drove off and I just finished waiting. I seen it coming the street so I stood up.
"Raquel?" I turned my head to see Damarion pulled up. I rolled my eyes and walked towards my bus.
"Raquel listen." He walked up on me.
"What now Damarion?"
"Can I take you home?" "My ride right here dude leave me alone." I said pulling away.
"Raquel I've tried to be fucking nice but get yo ass in the fucking car." "Or what Damarion? You gone beat my ass?"
"Stop being so fucking difficult bruh."
"Damarion please just let me go. I've tried to be nice but you gone make me put a restraining order on you."
"You serious?" I nodded.
"Yeah Damarion leave me the fuck alone." My bus drove off. "Dude you fucking made me miss my bus." I rolled my eyes and started walking.
"Raquel I'll take you home." I started crying as I walked letting the cold wind hit my face.
How did I get myself stuck in this situation.
I felt his arms wrapped around me and I instantly just broke down. "Raquel baby you okay?" I shook my head no.