『 Chapter 34: A Sacrifice 』

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The man who you assumed was Drago pointed up towards the nest with his spear. Your jaw dropped as you looked up at it.

"Come on!" Drago called, "Take down the alpha!" He called still pointing at the nest. Valka ran towards the man before hitting him with her staff you followed quickly but with your spear slashing at him while he would dodge Valka giving you the perfect shots. He then swung at Valka sending her tumbling back. You quickly jumped in front of the downed woman and tried to keep Drago back, you slashed at him. He blocked every attack before shoving you harshly to the side, your head hit the ground violently causing your vision to blur. You sat up and watched as Drago walked over to Valka and stepped on her chest keeping her on the ground.

He reached down with his spear and lifted her mask. He let out a yell before thrusting his spear towards her but he was quickly cut off by a loud yell and was tackled to the ground. Stoick grabbed Valka's hand and lifted her off the ground.

"Thank you." She said softly.

Stoick nodded, "For you my dear- anything. Go... check on (Y/N). I'll take care of this." Valka nodded and then ran over to you who was sitting staring at the scene playing out in front of you. The hit had made you slightly confused but you were sure you could handle it. Valka placed a hand on your back and helped you stand up.

"You alright?" She asked, you sent her a nod before hearing the sound of clattering. You looked over and saw the two Bewilderbeasts battling.

Stoick turned back to his wife, "Val, you think you can stop them?"

"I'll do my best." She nodded, "Come on, Cloudjumper!" She said before cutting the ropes on Cloudjumper and the two of them flying up towards the giant dragons. You stood up and stumbled trying to get out of the way of Stoick and Drago's fight. You quickly turned around and looked for Rainsong, you spotted her staring up at the two Bewilderbeasts. Running over to her you redirected her attention.

"We need to get to a safe place." Your head was still fuzzy and you knew you were in no shape to fly, your eyes wouldn't focus and you had a pounding headache. The dragon nodded before nudging you behind a tall ice spike, for now, you were safe from the enemy. You turned to look up at the Bewilderbeasts your eyes widening and the darker one hooked its horns under the lighter one's neck. You gasped as it pushed the dragon back and forced it to the ground, Rainsong let out an uncomfortable growl and wrapped herself around you, blocking your point of view as you heard the darker Bewilderbeast stab its horns into the side of the lighter one.

There was a large moment of silence and everyone stared up at the scene.

You wrapped your arms around Rainsongs neck and spoke a soft, "No." As soon as she unwrapped from you you looked up and saw the darker Bewilderbeast turning towards the sky, it let out a mighty roar. You noticed a shift in Rainsong's demeanor and turned towards her, her usually round pupils had shifted into slits, "Rainsong?" You called, reaching out to her. She shook you off and took off into the sky, "RAINSONG!" You cried out, following after her as she flew towards the Bewilderbeast, hundreds of dragons swarmed above it flying in circles above its head. You stopped, unable to run anymore, and stared up at the giant dragon.

Suddenly the Bewilderbeast shot ice towards Cloudjumper and Valka it managed to catch Cloudjumpers tail and throw off his balance. Stoick quickly looked over at his wife and picked up his ax before getting on his dragon, "Come on Gobber!" Gobber then started running off too, leaving you defenseless and hiding behind an ice spike.

You looked around the ice spike and spotted Drago staring right at you. A sick grin grew on his face, "Come on out little one." He growled, "You're all alone now, no dragon- no big men to defend you." You let out a shaky breath and stepped out from behind the ice spike.

You readied your spear before taking a few large steps forward, "Give me back my dragon." You pointed your weapon at him preparing to fight. He responded the same way, holding out his spear. You were smaller so you assumed that you had the speed advantage so you waited for him to make the first move, but he didn't.

"You have some nerve fighting the biggest man in the room, that dragon is no longer yours. She belongs to the Alpha!" He chuckled, pointing his spear up at the dragon and turning around to look at the Bewilderbeast, "Nothing can break through the Alpha's hold-" Before he said any more words you lunged your spear stabbing at the armor on his back, but you could not pierce it. He quickly turned around, giving you the chance to slice one of his arms which were still exposed. Drago grasped his arm and then swung quickly, hitting you with the side of the spear and sending you flying back. A sharp pain filled your cheek as you looked up, seeing Drago standing above you his spear had a small amount of blood on it and was pointed right at you.

"Stop!" You heard a call. Both you and Drago turned to look at Hiccup who had flown down and landed a few feet away from you. He made eye contact with you and tilted his head, telling you to get away. You nodded in agreement and scrambled to pick up your spear and get away from Drago. Hiccup unhooked himself from Toothless and got off the dragon, while he pulled off his helmet. Hiccup made his way over to you and pushed you back protectively while walking towards Drago.

"This... is the great dragon master?" Drago asked, looking at Hiccup with disbelief, "The son of Stoick the Vast?" You followed Hiccup's orders and walked back towards Toothless, you rested one hand on his head and felt him cuddle into you, "What shame he must feel." You tensed up and felt Toothless do the same, growling at the man.

Hiccup shook his head, "All of this loss... and for what?" He waved his hands around, "To become unstoppable? To rule the world? Dragons, they- they are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together!" You couldn't tell if Hiccup's words were getting through to Drago.

Drago chuckled while turning around and stabbing his spear into the ground, "Or tear them apart." He said while unhooking one of his shoulder pads, he took it off and the entire arm came with it- there was nothing underneath, he had no arm, "You see, I know what it is to live in fear, to see my village burned, my family taken." Drago slowly circled Hiccup, "But even as a boy... left with nothing, I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons..." Drago picked up his spear, "...and liberate the people of this world."

"Then why a dragon army?" Hiccup asked.

Drago turned around, "Well, you need dragons to conquer other dragons."

"Or maybe you need dragons to conquer people... to control those who follow you..." Hiccup said causing your eyebrows to furrow, "And to get rid of those who won't."

Drago chuckled, "Clever boy." He then slowly started walking towards Hiccup, causing the boy to back up.

"The world wants peace, we have the answer back on Berk." Hiccup breathed, you noticed Toothless step in front of you preparing to pounce on Drago, "Just... let me show you--"

Drago shook his head, "NO! Let me... show you!" He let out a fierce yell and swung his spear around, you looked up and noticed the Bewilderbeast turn its head and look towards Drago before slowly making its way over, "No dragon can resist the alpha's command. So he who controls the alpha... controls them all." He then pointed his spear at Toothless. The black dragon tensed up and moved back slightly.

The Bewilderbeast stared at the black dragon and its pupils became slits, the antenna on its head started vibrating. Toothless shook his head and let out a growl trying to avoid the alpha's control.

"Toothless?" Hiccup called, seeing the dragon struggle, "Toothless, you okay, bud? What's going on?"

Drago chuckled, "Witness true strength." He continued pointing at Toothless, "The strength of will over others. Toothless opened his eyes and you noticed how small his pupils were, you grew nervous backing away slightly. This is exactly what happened to Rainsong, "In the face of it, you are nothing." You looked over at Hiccup who was standing on the opposite side of Toothless.

Toothless quickly turned to look at Hiccup, "Uh... what did he just tell you?" The dragon raised his wings his jaw slightly open, "Toothless, come on." Your eyes widened, "What's the matter with you?" Hiccup held his hand out toward the dragon, "No, no, no, no, come on, what are you doing? Knock it off." He waved his hands in front of the dragon while you stood frozen in fear, there had to be something you could do, "Stop! Snap out of it!" Hiccup was backed against the ice. You quickly ran forward, grabbing onto the dragon's back and trying to pull it away.

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