show me the money

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Charts' favourite producer, CODE KUNST and Korea's "it" girl, MILLI become a producer team for  'Show Me the Money 11'

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Charts' favourite producer, CODE KUNST and Korea's "it" girl, MILLI become a producer team for 'Show Me the Money 11'.

It was announced by Mnet that the next producer team for Show Me the Money's newest season is sensational producer Code Kunst, and international hip-hop and R&B artist Milli

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It was announced by Mnet that the next producer team for Show Me the Money's newest season is sensational producer Code Kunst, and international hip-hop and R&B artist Milli.

Code Kunst previously appeared on the seasons 7,9 and 10 along with the third season of 'High School Rapper'. He successfully brought home the winning title of SMT10 and HSR3.

For Milli, she will mark SMTM's history by becoming the only female to become a producer. Throughout her 5 years as an artist, she proved herself to be a strong singer, producer and rapper in the industry.

Meanwhile, 'Show Me the Money 11' will air this summer of 2022.

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What are your thoughts?

NEW TEAM PRODUCER: SMTM11 IS HAPPENING What are your thoughts?

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guest25774: this combo is SOOO GOOD. i feel like their music vibe fits together somehow (personally)

hongwon_fan234: FINALLY a female producer!! wtf took you so long for mnet 😠. anyways i'm glad it's milli of all female rappers.

kunstcode2474291: I LOVE IT. COSE KUNST FOR THE WIN (again)

milli_illion: milli will win for reallll

anti_milli345: ew! a female rapper? and at that, milli of all people?? the ratings will definitely go 📉
> cokun_milli: you mean 📈, right? because that's what she only does: topping charts. stay mad, stay pressed <3.

load more comments..

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96 hours before the announcement..


"what do you want donghyuck?"

"cherry is having second thoughts again"

"again?? where is she?"

"she's on the balcony"

jay walked towards the said and saw through the window a very nervous girl.

"mil, what's going on?" he asked in a worried tone.

"should i decline the offer? it would be for the best", she said at a fast pace.

"no! why would you turn down this opportunity?"

"because there has never been a girl producer in all ten seasons of show me the money! why does it have to be me? and why am i the first one? What if i mess up and people end up thinking female rappers don't belong in this type of survival show? Jessi would've been a great fit! Why not choose her?" she hurriedly explained while pacing from one extremity of the area to another.

"Ok, i'm going to need you to sit and calm yourself down a bit. you're stressing yourself too much."

they both sat on the dark green sofa and milli started taking deep breaths to bring down the stress.

"Okay now that you're more relaxed, hear me out: i know it must be awful to feel that kind of pressure, but you've got to understand that they didn't choose you for no reason. they know what you're capable of and how much of a talented rapper and singer you are. you're a total full package and if you fail to realize that, you should consider another career."

after a few moments of silence, hyeonju hugged her boss and muttered a thank you.

"this really helped me jay, thank you"

"hey! that's what i'm here for"

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18 hours before the beginning of the show ..

"you're going to do great, i know you will"

"thank you love"

the couple was laying down on the couch of the company's studio. she had her head rested against the crook of his neck and he caressed her back with one hand while the other was tangling it's fingers in her slick black hair.

wonjae just came back from a trip to the states with his close friend, mokyo. he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend the moment he set foot in the land of south korea.

"and its cokun, you'll fit just right in. you don't have to worry one bit"

he kissed her cheek while she slowly drifted to sleep. knowing that, he whispered softly.

"i love you ju. good luck for the show"

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on which criteria(s) will you be evaluating the contests for the preliminary round?

i haven't thought about it before, but as long as you do not suck, i guess that's fine?...but shouldn't you be able to know if someone can rap or not by their first few lines?

"i make more money than.."
"thank you for coming" she said while bowing.

"i have a pistol.."
"thank you for coming" she said while bowing.

"my b!tch top.."
"no", she said as she walked away.

"...i just wish they'd stop talking about money, gangsters, guns and bitches. is that too much to ask?" she looked at the camera with an innocent face. no it is not.

" she can do that too?" cokun replied, "yah! stop looking at the camera like that"

do you think that you'll be the winners this year?

"should there be any other option?" they both asked at the same time.

"mikun team is here to win period", answered milli.

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