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in the older times, sailors always used to fear the calmness of the waters: the weird quietness and the stable weather. it was considered a bad sign because it mostly meant that a tempest was coming in the near future. a big and catastrophic one. since then, they've always been extra cautious in those moments of peace, not wanting to be taken by surprise.

hence the existence of the idiom "the calm before the storm".

nowadays, this phrase is not limited to climate phenomenons, it can be used in diverse situations of the daily human life: at work, at school, in a friendship and in a romantic relationship.

milli would've never thought that the peaceful waves would soon turn to make her boat into a rocky one.

it was supposed to be just like any other day, of any other week, in any other month.

they met at his instead of hers. not quite usual, but it makes a change, right?

she had to knock on the door instead of entering by tapping the passcode. he changed it.

he welcomed her with a half-smile instead of the big one he always gives, her favourite. did he have a bad day?

"did you come with your car?" he asked as she engulfed herself in his arms, arms wrapped around his waist and her head on his torso.

he didn't hug back.

"yes i did, why?" she asked in return, eyes furrowed.

he shook his head, with a tight smile.

"just asking"

she whispered an okay before looking around and finally going towards his living room, sitting on the large couch. he decided to join her after a few seconds. he sat on the opposite side of the couch, creating distance between them.

she stared at him intensely as he pondered for a moment, before starting to talk.

"i have something to get off my chest, hyeonju"

hyeonju? he never called her by her first name. ever.

at that instance, she didn't know what was coming, but she really didn't look forward to it. she couldn't look at him in the eyes, she watched her lap instead while her heart was clenching at an insane pace in anticipation.

"what is it?" barely managing to say it without any chocking or stutter.

her hands fidgeting, leg slightly bouncing. she was anxious and the fact that his eyes were directed towards her didn't make it any better.

"let's break up"

there it was. that sentence alone was enough to knock the air out of her lungs.


"i've been thinking for a while now and i believe it would be for the best if we cut off our relationship"

"you've been thinking and you believe it's for the best for us?"

"you'll be better off without me"

"how would you know what's best for me, sungwon?"

"milli you're being difficult right now. i am..."

she scoffed at him.

he stopped for a few before starting again from where he stopped.

"..i am just saying-"

"what exactly are you saying sungwon? because i have trouble understanding" she said, interrupting him.

"what is there to understand? let's break up!"

"why? you kept saying how you've been thinking in our best interests, but i call bullsh*t! why do you want to break up huh?" she asked "is this because of a girl?"

he stayed silent, avoiding contact with his girlfriend.

"little sangwon got his fame and now he thinks he can cheat on his girlfriend? she's not enough famous for him anymore? she's not interesting anymore? is that it?" she exclaimed, provoking him.

"stop it hyeonju"

"no no i'm done. who is she?"

"no one. i could never cheat one you, you're just being insecure"

"do not gaslight me. tell me who is it now"

still not getting an answer, milli took the matter in her own and took his phone. she was never one to look through her partner's phone, but she was furious and needed a confirmation.

multiple texts and messages from a contact named "❣️"

to avoid the tears that try to come out of her eyes, she looked up. she would never let a low life cheater see the hurt he caused her.

"not even trying to hide it, huh? you're an a*shole. you're right, let's break up." she said with pure hatred in her eyes.

"hyeoni, i'm-"

"no. you're not allowed to call me that anymore. from the bottom of my heart, fuck you."she confessed while her voice cracks became more prominent.

she turned around and left the apartment without ever looking back. she wouldn't want him to see the flood of tears streaming down her face. he didn't deserve that.

her first serious relationship just ended and her first love betrayed her. what has she learned now from it? that she should not let herself enjoy things too much. after all, everything is éphémère.

* éphémère means ephemeral in french.

this has been sitting in the drafts for about three weeks i believe. it was only half done, so i decided to finish it today. at one point, i was so done with it so if you feel the end was kind of rushed, that's probably why. plus, i've never written or even experienced a breakup before so i hope you didn't expect too much or i hope it wasn't weird i guess. i hope you liked it none the less.


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