not alone

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"We're almost home!!" Bow says excitedly as he hugs and lifts Glimmer into the air.

"I can't wait," Glimmer says. "We're gonna have so much fun."

Adora giggles and looks at me. "How about you, Catra. Are you excited to get to Bright Moon?"

"I don't know. I don't think the people there will like me."

Adora tries to reassure me. "Everybody's going to welcome you. The other princesses already did."

I look at Frosta who squints her eyes at me and then I look back at Adora. "Well.. most of them at least. Frosta will accept you eventually, she's just a bit hardheaded. Plus," she takes my hand, "you're not alone anymore. We're together now. You're my girlfriend. And it's not just me. You have Glimmer and Bow. We are the best friend squad."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, I'll try but it's not because i like you."

"Awww it's because you love me," she teases and wraps her hands around me.

I return the hug. "Yes, dummy."

After the War (Catradora)Where stories live. Discover now