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High security prison, Russia.

Luna's POV.

Yelena and I were changing in the back of the helicopter. I knew I had to be respectful, even though I had seen Yelena's body many times before. There was something new that caught my attention. On her bare lower back, she had a scar that I didn't remember her having. It looked fresh, still had a pink tinge to it.

"Hey," Natasha shouted from the front cabin, glaring at me menacingly "Eyes up, Vázquez."

I blushed instantly and my head started to go faster.

"I didn't..." I began to babble under the watchful eyes of both Russians "It's not what you think... I was... I mean, I did look... but not because of... not because of her... The scar."

Yelena smiled tenderly as she finished pulling up her suit. Then she put on her vest. I, meanwhile, was finding a way to jump without a parachute and get rid of all the shame I have right now.

"It's a new scar," Yelena said, coming to my side "About five months ago, the mission got more complicated than expected and the target grazed me with a knife."

"I wasn't looking while you were getting dressed," I said quickly, closing my eyes "I swear, I know we have nothing and..."

"Since when do we have nothing?" Yel interrupted me.

"It's just... At the gas station you said..."

"I said we were friends, for the moment," the blonde said, cupping my cheeks "I still feel the same as always."

"Me too" I whispered, leaning closer.

"I'm still here!" The avenger shouted again, piloting the helicopter.

"You can be sure we noticed Natalya Alianovna!" Yelena shouted angrily at the interruption.

"Uh, she almost used my full name," said Natalia with false fear "I even broke out in a cold sweat."

"пошел на хуй (go fuck yourself)" she replied.

"What a mouth!" I mocked her.

"Shut up and braid my hair like before," she asked with puppy dog eyes "Please, Luna."

She braided her hair and then did the same with mine. When I felt the cold intensify I knew we were about to arrive.

"I need to know exactly what skills you have," Natasha told me.

"Don't get your hopes up," I warned her "They are very selfish abilities. I heal at great speed. If I break half my bones in a fall, it doesn't take me more than five minutes to be as good as new."

"It can be useful for something," the redhead told me in the same way "What about bullets? "

"Same thing, my body expels the bullet and heals instantly" I told her.

"And why did you dodge them in the chase?"the avenger asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just because I heal fast doesn't mean the bullets don't hurt like shit" I explained.

As soon as everything was ready, the action figure delivered, us in position and I saw movement in the prison below us, I knew Alexei hadn't followed a damn thing of the plan.

"You made a scene, didn't you?" Natasha said over the intercom.

I watched as guards and convicts came out into the yard in disarray. I spotted the grotesque guy we were looking for when he climbed up on one of the balconies and fell from a shock he got from a guard. I laughed trying to hide it.

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