1) slipping and falling (for you)

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sbg group go ice skating, while ashden, aidlyn, WHATEVER THEYRE NAMED r trying (but somewhat failing) to skate together. aiden is surprisingly good, while ashlyn..not so much.


"guys i dont kno-know how to uh, skate," logan stammered, struggling to tie his ice-skates. "also, how did we get here? i thought we were shopping- not that i dont *like* skating, but."

"'cause taylor's dumb ass saw the building that had 'ICE SKATING RINK' in bold letters and insisted on going inside." tyler rolled his eyes as he "reminisced" the situation.

"ash, ya know how to skate right?" aiden said, grinning ear to ear as he stared at her. ashlyn jumped from the sudden attention, momentarily startled.

"i used to, but i haven't come here since i was in elementary, so i'm not sure." she tugged on her laces, knotting the bow. she stretched her legs out to take a final look at her skates, before silently nodding in satisfaction.

"alright, we all ready to go?" taylor announced, smile evident on her face.

ben nodded, standing up and balancing on his skates easily.

aiden gave a thumbs up.

logan gave verbal confirmation.

tyler rolled his eyes.

ashlyn agreed.

taylor's face lit up, immediately directing them to the entrance of the rink.

"okay, let's go! c'mon!"

the group of teens walked (or hobbled) over to the entrance, either walking with ease— aka ben, aiden, tyler, and taylor —or with their legs shaking and wobbling while trying to balance on the skates. (ashlyn and logan)

taylor and ben entered the rink with ease, gliding along the ice and away from the others. tyler wasn't as eager to skate away, but still did it easily with his arms limp at his sides. logan stepped onto the ice hesitantly, and noticed that he almost immediately slipped, so he grasped onto the side of the ring like a lifeline, and slowly made his way through the rink, hands stuck to the wall.

ashlyn watched as all of them dispersed, and then noticed one person from their group was yet to enter the ice; aiden.

she looked over, silently urging him to get onto the ice before she did. he only smiled widely at her and extended his hand toward the ice.

"after you, ashlyn banner."

she sighed, mentally preparing herself. she hasn't been on an ice rink since she was nine, and even back then she wasn't much of a skater. every time she tried to skate without clinging to the wall like logan, she would always end up sprawled on the ice, and had to wait for a family member to help her up.

taking a step on the ice, her leg almost immediately started to shake from the slippery surface. she extended her arms on either side of her, trying to maintain balance before she put her other foot on the ice.

however, when she inevitably placed both of her feet on the ice, ashlyn's feet jerked forward, which proceeded in her falling backward, she twisted around to try and catch herself, only to slam face-first into aiden's hoodie. she pulled away, rubbing her nose with her hand.

"you alright?" he asked, trying to hide his snickering. she glared at him, before trying to step on the ice again. she slipped again, this time flinging her arm and when her palm hits aiden's shoulder, her hand grabs it desperately.

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