2) floating. a funny word, if you think about it

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taylor is a menace and is like "omg logan t or d" and logan's dumbass says dare and so tay is like
"go find ty against the wall and confess while doing it 😈 "
logan is like "NO WAY, WHAT??"
(he did it anyways)


the group was sitting at lunch together, no surprise there, but the difference was that they weren't even talking about phantoms, or anything to do with the shadow dimension.
it's nice to be able to talk and laugh like normal teens, logan noted, as he rested his elbow on the table and let his palm hold his chin. he really liked their group, even though their attitudes were very different and sometimes clashed, logan thought that their dynamics made their time together when they weren't in a life or death situation enjoyable.

"WHAT THE F-" tyler yelled, while being cut off by aiden's loud laughter. logan flinched from the loud sound, and so did ashlyn.
"too loud." ashlyn scolded, glaring slightly. aiden and tyler mumbled an apology before returned to arguing, and logan realized he was zoned out during their conversation.

he tapped taylor's shoulder. "what's happening?"
"oh, we're playing truth or dare and aiden dared tyler to throw food at someone and yell 'deez nuts' at 'em."
taylor struggled to contain her laughter and she keeled over, holding her stomach and cackling.
logan cringed. "ooh that does not sound fun." he couldn't help but giggle as well. he watched them bicker over it, and noticed he felt a slight twang in his chest from how much fun aiden seemed to be having. strange.

"no way in hell am i doing that," tyler snarked, glaring at aiden like he was a dirty rat in his bathroom.
"hey! you chose dare, so it's not my fault!" aiden retaliated, grin wide. tyler scoffed, grabbing his tray and getting up.

"im going to the bathroom." he grumbled, already walking away.
aiden snickered before cupping his hands around his mouth. "YOU'RE A CHICKEN!"
logan looked in tyler's direction, and saw that he simply flipped aiden off without turning around. he grinned at that, and continued to watch tyler as he threw his leftovers in the garbage and placed the tray on the rack. he still stared as tyler stopped to speak to some people at another table near the doors.

"—logan? helloo earth to logan? you okay?" taylor shook his shoulder, which made him flinch and snap his head toward her. "hm? yeah? what's up?" he immediately said, fidgeting with his fingers.

"we were talking and you looked a bit zoned out," taylor started, trailing off as she saw his attention turn to his left again. logan couldn't help but stare at the brunette, he didn't know what was so fascinating about his angry face, but he couldn't stop trying to look at him. even as he was leaving, his eyes were locked on him and he stood by the doorway. tay leaned back past logan's head, trying to see what could be so interesting. her face screwed up in a 'are you kidding me' expression as she saw a certain someone, and she leaned forward again.

"staring at tyler, i see?" she suggested, glancing at aiden with a knowing look before back at logan.
he jolted immediately, face becoming pink in mere seconds. that was all she needed to know.

"wHat? no, i- well, i uh, i guess i was, but n-not in a weird way i- i swear!" he rambled, making expressive hand movements to try and emphasize his point. however, his face said everything for everyone in the group at that point.

"uh huh... well, if you're done gawking at my brother now, let's continue truth or dare!" taylor clapped her hands together. logan nodded, agreeing with himself that he needed something else to focus on a certain boy in the group. he took a quick glance and saw tyler was gone, so there wasn't a reason that he shouldn't be attentive.

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