2) wobbly feet

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aiden convinces ashlyn to go on a walk w him at like 11 pm and stuff ensues 😍

disclaimer i made ashlyn's room on the second floor..idrk why i did that


ashlyn eye twitched for the 34th time (yes, she counted.) in five minutes.

she sat up, running a hand through her (ridiculously) long hair, sighing. she felt really jittery and really felt like getting up, but she knew that she would most likely lose track of time and then pass out on the ground when it hit 12 am.

she grabbed a handful of her blanket and groaned in frustration, annoyed at herself.

suddenly, a series of three soft taps cut into the silence. ashlyn jumped at the sound and looked at her door at first, expecting her parents to walk in. when she didn't hear the familiar creak of the door, she scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion.

she heard another batch of knocks, and this time the ginger figured out it came from her left (even weirder). she threw her covers off her lap and hesitantly walked over to the window, peering through the glass.

hands slapped against the surface of her window and she let out a small yelp of surprise, until she processed the face that was centimeters away from the glass.

"what the fu.." she mumbled, reaching to her side to turn on her lamp. with the yellow light on to illuminate her room, she quickly unclasped the panels and opened it.

"hi, ash!" aiden grinned, resting his arms on top of her windowsill. she glared at him.

"it's ten:45, aiden! did you sneak out??" she whisper yelled, careful not to wake her parents. she glanced behind the boy resting in her window to see if there was anyone else, only to see darkness below. "just me. i asked ben if he wanted to come, but he was already tired so he said he felt fine staying home."

"how are you even up here? i'm on the second floor," she questioned, looking down to check for any ladders, and..nope. no helpful tools in sight.

"i climbed the wall. i'm very skillful like that. also, your house isn't that tall, so it was easy."

she groaned, dragging her hand down her face before sticking her hand out to him. "give me your hand."

ashlyn helped him through the window, and was sure to scold him when he nearly put his shoes on her bed. after a bit of struggle to make sure he didn't crash and make too much noise, he stood on the side of her mattress, hands perched on his hips.

she raised an eyebrow at him. "so, are you going to tell me why you came to my house at ten fourty five o'clock at night, or.."

"oh, right." he started, still smiling. "do you wanna go on a walk with me?"

ashlyn stared at him, unimpressed. "you're joking, right. we're going to be fighting for our lives in an hour, aiden."

"you're right, but me, being very observant, knows that you are very jittery," ashlyn made a face. "—and are in need of a walk. otherwise you probably wouldn't have been sitting up in your bed, face in your comforter, and jolting every time there was a noise." he finished, still grinning and staring straight at her with his ruby eyes. ashlyn frowned, irritated because he was right, and because she hated when he was right. the sound of a walk was satisfactory to her, and she knew she probably needed one.

ashlyn sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"let me at least get my shoes, then we'll go, deal?"

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