1) injures are horrible (but i guess they're bearable with you around)

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scenario where ben is cleaning logan's wounds and is in hella pain so tyler sits next to him and comforts him basically


"ben, can you clean and bandage him up?" ashlyn says, standing up from her crouching position as logan downs the pain medication dry. he cringes at the taste when he struggles to swallow, but eventually downs the grey pills.

logan's face pales when he hears ben clicking open the first aid kit and his body trembles, thinking of the stinging pain that will be even worse while cleaning his scratches than the aching in his side at the moment.

when ben shifts in his direction with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cloth he starts to shake even more from the suspense. ben stops, shooting logan a look of 'are you ready?' and he only sits there trying (but not to much success) to prepare himself, before nodding in confirmation. rubbing alcohol spills over the bleeding slashes, and logan hisses in pain.

"ow ow ow, it hurts—" he warbles, tears springing to his eyes. ben shoots an apologetic look to him before patting on his injuries with one of the cloth. his eyes blur with tears and he bites down on his cheek, squeezing his eyes closed and he feels a cold string of water spill down his cheek.

tyler stands from afar while he watches the situation, staring at logan while he quivers in discomfort and pain from the cleaning. he stands up suddenly, earning a look of confusion from taylor as he shuffles over to logan's side

"ty, what are you-?" tay questions, before stopping herself when she sees him sit down on the mat next to logan.

tyler slowly shifts next to him, bumping him lightly in the arm with his elbow. logan lets out a confused noise, squinting his eyes through his tears and scrunching his eyebrows together. when he recognizes tylers face he shoots a shaky smile before his eyes widen and he lets out a cry of pain again because of ben having to rub on his injuries.

he feels a rough hand hesitantly reach out for his clammy hands and out of desperation squeezes onto it tightly, which startles tyler by surprise.

"you're uh- you're okay, it's gonna be over soon." tyler fumbles over his words as he whispers into logan's ear comfortingly. his eyes widen in disbelief to tyler's intention of words, but huffs in substitute of a laugh.

tyler catches taylor and aiden's eyes on him with a teasing look, and so he glares at them, flipping them off with his right hand (aka the hand that isnt being held by logan's)

"don't f***ing start" he mouths to them, and aiden slaps his palm over his mouth, in a futile attempt to not burst out into laughter. ashlyn shoots him a confused look and follows his sight to tyler. she only blinks in surprise before directing aiden and taylor to get their weapons and assist her to look at the dead phantom.

his attention is distracted from his temporary annoyance when logan whimpers and shakily squeezes his hand again, this time harder.

tyler sits still for a second, then slowly raises his hand, reaching for the top of logan's head. right before he sets it down on his hair, he hesitates. several thoughts run through his head that were unsure and insecure. what if this was pushing boundaries? was tyler being too soft? why was he even trying this hard to comfort logan in the first place?

his dilemma was soon cut short when he freezes, feeling logan's head lean into his hand on his own.

when ben finishes bandaging up logan, he puts up everything neatly in the box and clicks it shut, and then getting up to follow the other three that were talking around the phantom.

tyler moves to get up as well, assuming that they were probably gonna get into another discussion about what to do with it. before he could, logan's head softly rests on his shoulder, and he looks down to see his half-lidded eyes staring at him.

"don't go," he barely whispers, quiet enough that even tyler could hardly hear him. "i don't want to be alone, please." he adds on, mumbling and delirious. tyler's chest aches with sympathy (why?), and he sits back down, resting his head on top of logan's, sighing. he closes his own eyes.

"i won't, logan. i won't."

750 words
sorry for the short length 🥲

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