4) grief is bullshit. (it isn't, sadly.)

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ashlyn was taken away to the roof by a phantom. aiden tries to get up there to save her. logan shoots it down, but what if he didn't shoot in time?


    "fuck! ashlyn!" aiden screamed, voice straining as he watched with wide and shocked eyes as ashlyn ascended up to the roof. immediately he scrambled to get up, ignoring the sharp pain in his ankle. he had no time to focus on that. ashlyn was in danger. she was in danger.
aiden cursed as he reached to pull himself up on the ledge, realizing quickly that the addition of fatigue and his already weak upper body strength that he couldn't lift himself up.



ashlyn blearily blinked her eyes open, wincing as she felt a sharp pulsing pain in the back of her head. the feeling made her want to close her eyes again and pass out, but the only thing keeping her remotely awake was the faint feeling roof tiles dragging against her back.


roof tiles?

she blinked again, more alert this time, finally figuring out that she was on the roof. a rough tug pulled on the back of her suit, making her choke. she flung her arms up feeling, the slim arm of a phantom, and the panic began to set in.

what's happening? she thought, feeling the phantom pull even harder and making her head feel like a knife was stabbed through it. did i pass out? she tried her hardest to look at her surroundings, only to find out that her vision swirled so intensely it made her nauseous.

the phantom pulled on her again, this time bringing her to her feet. through half lidded eyes, she tried to pry off it's arm. the phantom didn't let go.

more panic bubbled in her as she felt it's hand lunge forward into her neck, choking her. she gasped for breath, tears forming in her eyes.

everything is spinning-
her head was slammed into the tile, making her cry out in pain. the phantom's hand squeezed tighter.
i can't fight back properly!
ashlyn's eyes fluttered as dots filled her vision.

can't logan see what's going on?
she gasped for breath, but no air was entering her lungs. her lungs strained against her chest.

i'm too close for him to shoot-
she shuffled her legs around, sliding it this way and that until she felt her foot against the surface.

if i can just make the smallest opening-
she slid her shoe forward. she didn't feel the knife click out of her shoe.

even just the smallest one-
she slid her foot forward again, this time feeling the knife slide out of it's hole.

ashlyn took all the strength she could muster and pulled her leg back, jamming the knife into the phantom's foot. the phantom screamed, and it's hand around her neck releaased, for a moment she relaxed, relief rushing over her.

the relief was short lived. the phantom's hand squeezed around her neck; tighter this time, making ashlyn gag and choke. her hand reached up to pull at the hand, trying desperately to make it let go.

i can't get free- this is bad, really bad-
she wheezed, air only coming out, but not in. she couldn't breathe. she couldn't breathe. her head was pounding. she can barely see. everything is blurry-
am i going to die?
tears sprung into her eyes.

i'm aiden!

she choked, eyes looking around desperately for an out.

we should hang out more often.

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