Chapter thirty

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I've been practicing my air and light elements around the cubs. They love it when the wind is strong enough to lift at least one of them off of the ground. My wolf has taught me how to create a small tornado on my hand, how to throw air from my hands, and how to make little streams from my fingers. With my light element, I can turn lights on and off, I can create a flashlight from my hand, and how to illuminate a room that has no light bulb without using my hands, like the light comes out of no where.

I've practiced my telepathy on Darcey, Cam, Kyle and Noah, all of them seeming to be amazed when I knew what they were thinking. I have yet to try memory manipulation, my wolf says that if something went wrong, I could erase their memories permanently. My speed of light and enhanced reflexes were easy to get used to, but I still have to test healing.

I spin my hands in a small circle, creating a mini tornado underneath Violet. She stands calmly, watching as the wind picks up under her and she's lifted partially off the ground. She holds her hands out to the side, trying to keep her balance on it like she's surfing. I let the air swirl around her arms to help her, then keep my mind trained on the tornado.

I lift my hand up slowly and watch it rise with Violet. She lets out a giggle. I bring both my hands to my side, palms facing down. The tornado swallows her whole and disappears, leaving the little girl smiling brightly on the ground.

It's been two days since I saw the vision of my evil self. I've tried my hardest to put it behind me, but somehow it always sneaks past the barriers I put up.

The training arena is full of Pack members today. All of them are sparing in the middle, Tate being one of them. He's fighting Noah, and Alpha Vincent is watching them. All of the men fight shirtless, it was one of the reasons that Tate didn't want me to come, but my eyes are only for him and he knows it. He explained that this was barely half of the Pack in the arena, which had my eyes growing wide.

"Your getting good with air and light" Darcey comments with a smile. "Soon you'll be able to make the sun disappear and have a full blown tornado tearing down the land"

I laugh lightly at it, even if the statement is true.

I take a seat next to her and watch our mates fight. Noah swings for a punch but Tate ducks it and pushes him over. Noah flips and lands in a squat, swinging a leg out and catching Tate off guard. Tate falls back, having Alpha Vincent scowling. Tate glares at Noah, but Noah jumps on top of him. I focus on the boys, putting as much power on the wind as I can. It picks up around them. I focus on having it lift Tate from behind, and that's exactly what it does. Tate ends up in a standing position next to Noah, both of them staring at me with wide eyes.

I look away, suddenly a little tired. My wolf focuses on regaining our energy while I lean against the wall. Violet giggles from the floor, staring at her older brother. Vincent smiles over to me, and soon enough the two boys are going at it again.

"That must be fun" Darcey says.

"What is?" I ask, watching a streak of hair go silver.

"Using your abilities. Reading minds, manipulating air and light, seeing visions" She sighs and I punch her arm.

"It's weird. A few weeks ago I didn't even know werewolves were real, and now I have superpowers" I say, staring at a shirtless Tate. He takes down Noah, who doesn't get up. Tate holds out a hand and helps him up, patting his back. Both boys walk over to us, Noah having a bloody nose and Tate having a cut across his cheek.

Now the time to test healing. My wolf tells me. Tate grabs his water bottle from beside me and smirks when he catches me staring at his stomach. I stand up on the bench so that I'm the same height as him and set a finger over his bleeding cut.

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