Chapter twenty-four

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My paws barely start to hurt by the time we make it back to the Pack. I shake out my fur and lay on the grass, closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing. The sounds of happy howls fill the air all around me along with shuffling feet and shifting. Something nudges my neck and I look up to see Tate towering over me. He holds a T-shirt and sweat pants in his mouth. He sets them down and I take them, running for a tree and shifting.

When I'm back, I tie my hair in a bun and pull up the pants. Since they're Tate's, they are way to big on me. I take the string and tie it as tight as possible. They still don't stay up.

As I walk out from behind the tree, more wolves keep running in from all sides of the village, most of them shifting immediately and going into the Pack house. Tate grabs my hand and pulls me into his chest.

"I didn't want to go" I whisper into his shirt. "I didn't know he was coming"

"I know you didn't" Tate murmurs back, running a hand through my hair. "Come on, we have a lot of explaining to do"

He leads me to the Pack house and in the front door. The living room looks so much bigger now than it did before, having most of the Pack members in it changes the look. The women are in the kitchen, as per usual. The warriors line up on the wall in groups, talking and laughing as if a war didn't just break out.

"Izzy!" A little girl cries. Violet comes running through the Pack members with tears in her eyes, sobbing hysterically. The room silences as I bend down and catch her in my arms.

"Y-you didn't come a-and watch the mo-ovie with me. I-I told Tatey you didn't come a-and he got wowwied like mommy -and daddy a-and nobody would p-play with me a-and I twied looking fow you evwey-evwey whewe but I c-couldn't find you"

I feel as though I might cry, but I hold it in for Violet's sake. The Pack watches us carefully, curious.

"It's alright baby. What matters is that I'm here now" I pause and look up to Tate and say the next sentence as if I were talking to him. "And I'm not leaving again"

Tate's eyes sparkle with happiness, and then a silver light glows on his chest. The room fills with gasps and whispering. I close my eyes and focus on making it stop, controlling my emotions.

"Can we still watch a movie?" She pulls back. I open my eyes one at a time incase I blind her. Thank the Goddess that the glowing stopped. Violets eyes are puffy and wet with tears. I wipe them away gently and kiss her cheek. She attempts a giggle but it comes out as a small hiccup.

"How about tonight in Tatey's room?" I ask in a whisper. I hear a faint growl in Tate's chest.

"Can Tatey come too?" She asks, peering behind her at Tate and then back at me.

"Are you sure? He might still have coodies" she giggles.

"Tatey doesn't have coodies!" She yells now.

"Well if you want him to come, them I want him to come. Tatey, will you watch a movie with me and Vy tonight?" I ask, letting Violet slip from my arms. She tackles Tate's legs, hugging them tightly. He nods with a smile, having Violet jump with a yell and run out of the room. I sit back on my butt and let out an exasperated sigh, closing my eyes.

Tate pulls me up easily and takes me to the couch. I sit down on his lap and snuggle into him, the fatigue of running for an hour finally hitting me. He sets his chin atop of my head. Slowly, the Pack members edge closer, taking seats on the floor and chairs.

"Explain" I mumble into his chest, to tired to ask the questions. Tate takes a breath before he begins.

"Most of Dylan's Pack knows he's not worthy of the Silver Wolf, much less his own mate. He can be....mean to the Pack members, though he'd never tell you. Their Pack sent out Jake and Jon to make a pact with me. I agreed on the condition that they would at least try to convince Dylan to let you go. It wasn't much to ask for. Jake and Jon have been the prime communication to get through to the Pack. Most of the Pack knew about the pact we had, but some of them were to loyal to Dylan to even want to hear about it

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