Chapter thirty-one

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Dean, followed by Kate, Lucy, Danielle and the few others I remember, jog towards us with smiles, as if nothing has changed from when I went to school. Then there's more of the so called jocks that I guess are mates with them. I take a step back unknowingly and bump into Tate. His hands go to my hips, his lips next go my ear as if he's about to say something. They stop when they're close enough and smile at me.

"Hey Bella, how's it going?" Dean asks casually, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Are you fitting in okay?" Lucy asks shyly. I know I shouldn't be mad at them, and it's not so much them as it is Dean.

He was the one I thought of as family.

"Just fine" I mutter, trying to back away. Tate holds me in place.

I glare at the ground as Dean and the rest socialize with Tate, Noah and Darcey. My anger swells in the pit of my stomach, rising up slowly to fill every inch of my body. My fingertips tingle with power as my abilities start acting up from my mood change. No one seems to notice in the switch of my emotion.

The ground glows silver again, causing me to huff silently in more anger. Why can't I control it?

Maybe I should just let it do what it wants.

The sun shines bright, as it's only mid-afternoon. Nothing in the air has changed. Not yet.

My wolf is dying to be let loose, to attack Dean for the lies and pain he has caused me. But then she steps back, knowing that a Luna would never harm a Pack member. But this is under different circumstances.

"....and the teachers are starting to wonder where she went" Dean finishes off a sentence. I look up to see he's looking at me.

"She'll go back when everything is normal" Tate replies, kissing my cheek. I keep a straight face towards Dean, not even blushing when Tate shows affection. Dean seems to be the only one that notices.

Good, my wolf hisses, he was the one you trusted.

When Tate says that I can go back once everything is normal, I want to laugh. I thought things might be normal, but they'll never be normal again. I'm a Silver Wolf, a wolf so rare that it only comes every couple of centuries, I have superpowers, I have a mate, I live in a Pack, I'm a Luna. None of that screams normal to me.

My wolf surges forward with so much power that I stumble forward out of Tate's grip, almost running in to Dean. My quick reflexes have me just missing him, taking a step to the side.

I'm sorry, she murmurs to me, I'm just so mad.

I smile inwardly and thank her for her protectiveness for me. She wasn't there when I was abused, but she feels my pain.

"You okay Bella?" Dean asks with so much innocence that I want to slap him. Nothing about him is innocent.

"Stop calling me that!" I yell, gripping my now sore head in my hands. My wolf is working up our energy, getting ready for the use of my abilities.

Tate's by my side in seconds, pulling me against his chest and murmuring soft words in my ear. But for some odd reason, I can't calm down.

After a minute of being in his arms, I push back. My breathing is rapid, my body is shaking with anger. My hands tingle with excitement, the air around me becomes ice cold.

"Isabella" Tate warns, backing away from the cold air. I sniffle, trying to hide my sadness with my anger.

Silver fog seeps through the ground and covers my bottom half, gently caressing my bare skin. It licks at my fingers, running between them lightly. I clench my hands in fists, watching the fog lower quickly, then run over my fists. Like it has its own mind.

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