Chapter thirty-two

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Dean is sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. His chest rises and falls evenly with each breath. An IV is plugged into his arm, a machine is beeping loudly next to him.

He's been sleeping like this for two days, it's starting to worry me. The heart monitor shows that he's fine, his heart beats haven't changed.

I woke up yesterday in Tate's room. I was feeling fine, but I couldn't remember the previous day's events. All I did remember was meeting Jakiah, seeing Dean and the rest, and yelling. A lot of yelling.

Tate told me what happened, which had me running down here to Dean. I've been in this room ever since.

Tate said that the two Silver Wolves have to make more than one decision, the first being what mate to choose. The second is choosing between Dark Magic and Light Magic. Yesterday, my anger towards Dean released my Dark Magic. Sometimes the Dark Magic has its own thoughts, doing what it pleases only to please me. I'm not allowed to use my abilities without Tate's permission until we know it's safe.

Dean's unmoving body is causing me to stress. I never meant to almost kill him, I never meant to harm him. I was angry at him, I thought of him as my brother. I loved him like I loved Darcey. Knowing what he is, knowing that he didn't help me, that hurt me more than my father's beatings.

It hurts me even more to know I almost killed him.

"I brought you lunch" Darcey murmurs as she walks through the door. I smile my thanks to her and return my eyes to Dean.

"Do you think he'll ever forgive me?" I ask quietly, holding his hand in mine. I think back to all of those times he saved me from abuse by Jason. I owed him more than the world, but instead I payed him back by nearly killing him.

"He will, trust me. You're his Luna and his sister. He knows what happens with Dark Magic, as does the rest of the Pack. They've all been warned"

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?" I look at the wall across the room.

"His energy was drained to almost nothing. Give him a break" she lets out an awkward chuckle. "Come on, cheer up a little. I know it's tough but he'll wake up soon"

"I sure hope so" I set my head on the white blankets.

I know it's weird, but I love hospitals. It's not the whiteness of it that makes it feel like heaven, or the fake jello they feed you, or the big machinery. It's the fact that it makes me feel safe. To me, a hospital is the safest place I can be. I'm safe from the beatings, from the fears, from school. I'm safe from both Jason and my father. If a hospital didn't give me that sense of security and safety, the jello and white and machinery would freak the hell out of me.

"Luna! Beta Darcey!" Cam comes rushing in to the infirmary, sweating. He places his hands on his knees and hunches over to catch his breath. I'm up immediately, standing next to him to make sure he's okay.

"Are you okay Cam? What's wrong?" I rub his back until he's caught his breath.

"I'm fine" he breathes. "It's Dylan's Pack. They're here to see you. They request your presence immediately"

I look to Darcey with wide eyes.

"Go get Tate, quickly" I tell him before using my super speed to sprint through the house. Everything blurs past me in a mixture of colors. I stop at the door and fling it open, seeing Kyle and Noah already waiting for me.

"Where are they?" I ask so fast that I'm almost fumbling over my words.

"Edge of the forest on the far side of town" Noah points over the buildings.

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