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A/N: So for those who don't know, this is an AU of David Bowie and the 1982 movie "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas". I did change some stuff from the movie to mold it around the storyline I have going on. So for anyone that might of saw this movie, and sees that some stuff is changed and is not the same as the movie, that's why. I'm also basing this just on the movie, not the musical or the irl story of the actual Chicken Ranch in La Grange, Texas. And also, this is all a joke. This is mostly for my friend so to anyone who runs across this: Hope you Enjoy!
1973- Gilbert, Texas

It was hot as David Bowie waited outside of the airport.
David was in Texas because him and Mick Jagger had split up. Mick and David were happily married for a few years.
Until, one day, Mick decided to leave him for a 78-yr-old man with heart faliure.

Who knew Mick liked cougars?

Anyways, Mick told David he was leaving him. Mick wasn't sad at all, but David was heartbroken. David thought that if he moved, it would help him move on because he was far away from Mick.

So, here he was in Texas.

David glanced back at the airport one last time before getting the few bags he had with him and getting in a car that was suppose to take him into town. As David got into the car, the driver watched him in his mirror.
"Where are you going?" The driver asked in a thick accent.
David told him, and they drove away from the airport.

David arrived at his new house in the little town. It was an old house with a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a bedroom. The old owner had died and didn't like any of her family members enough to leave her house (and furniture that was in the house) to any of them. So, she wanted it sold.
The house had been repainted white, along with the short fence surrounding it. It had a porch with some wrought iron chairs surrounding a wrought iron table.

On each side of the steps that led up to the porch were some small bushes.
David walked up the creaky wooden steps to the screen door on the house. There was no other door behind the screen one.
David thought about putting another door in front of it, or just putting a curtain in front of it. Something...

The door was a but hard to open, but he managed to get it opened. And with that, the story begins.

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