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The next day, David went out to explore the town and see if he could find work anywhere. Sure, he was becoming famous and everything, but it's not like he was The Rolling Stones.
He also wanted to see if he could also perform anywhere.
While looking around, he ran into one of the deputies. Deputy Fred

°°"Well hello there, Sir

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"Well hello there, Sir." Deputy Fred smiled warmly. "I'm Deputy Fred, you must be new in town?"
"I am." David nodded. "My name's David. What about you?"
"My name's Fred." He stuck his hand out for David to shake.
David took his hand and shaked it as Fred squinted his eyes a bit at him.
"Say, aren't you that one rock n' roll singer?"
"Yes, I am."
"I thought I'd seen you somewhere. Y'know, I have a cousin who lives in London. She told me about you. She loves you a lot. I'm more of into country music myself, y'know?"

David nodded his head, smiling a bit. "Yes, I understand. Music's for everyone, that's why there's so many genres. No matter what, there's something for everyone."

Deputy Fred thought about that for a moment, then looked at him and smiled again. "Yeah... I've never thought of that before. You're not wrong."
David cleared his throat. "Also, Deputy, I'm looking around here for some work. Mostly, I want to see if there is anywhere I could perform first."

"Well, we have a theater around here. But most of the people in this town like country, not rock n' roll."

"I'm sure I could figure out something."

"I'm sure you will. Hey, if that doesn't work out, you could always come to the sheriff's department and apply there or somewhere else." Fred hinted , mostly at the sheriff's department. He then proceeded to tell him where the theater was located at. When he finished, David thanked him and then walked off towards it.
Deputy Fred watched him go, thinking that he really did look like all those pictures he was sent by his cousin.

The person who ran the theater did not want David to play there. Because like Deputy Fred said, "Most people around here like country." Plus, the guy was judgemental and didn't like how David looked and thought he would set a bad example to the children and teenagers. David did ask him that if he performed some country songs if the owner would let him play.
The owner shook his head.

David thought for a moment.
"Okay...what if I performed my songs but in a country version instead?" Still, being persistent.
The owner told him no still.

After that, David decided to just go on a walk to clear his mind, and the headache that the old crusty place gave him As he walked, David saw a house in the distance, right outside of the town. It was a nice little house. So he went to look at it.
After walking for a mile, he was now up close to the house.

David stood and stared at the house for a few minutes before he heard a noise

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David stood and stared at the house for a few minutes before he heard a noise.

Cluck cluck

He then felt something poke his leg. David looked down to see a large rooster.
David moved away from it but it followed and tried pecking him again.

"Hey now, leave that man alone!"

A woman came out from the side of the house, running towards them.

She quickly picked up the rooster and glared at it

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She quickly picked up the rooster and glared at it.
"Now you know better then to go around harassing our customers. You're lucky this man was kind enough to not kick you like the guy from last night." The lady scolded.
After that, she looked over at David.
"I am so sorry mister, about him right here." She pointed at the rooster as it tried to bite her finger. She then jerked her finger away quickly.
"He just thinks he can go around pecking and chasing people."

"It's fine." David replied. "Roosters are just naturally mean."

"I know we haven't met yet. I'm Miss Mona, and you are?"

"David." He replied. "David Bowie"

"Well, David, I won't hold you up anymore. You can just go ahead inside, but just so you know, everybody is about to eat breakfast so you might have to wait a bit."

"Inside?" David asked a bit confused.
"Yes, we all know why you came here." Mona nodded.

He thought for a moment. "I don't understand."

𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉Where stories live. Discover now