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Fred was out making his rounds around town like Ed Earl had said. As he did, he hummed Melvin's whorehouse song.
It was pretty catchy, after all. He caught his wife singing it to herself the other day too.
As he was passing one of the stores by, something had caught the corner of his eye.
Fred turned around, to see a van with a car following behind it. And behind that car, was another van. Fred was able to catch the words on it:

"Watchdog Report."

"Right here."

The van stopped in front of David's house. Melvin thought that he could also bust David if he found something in his house. He didn't care what it was, it just had to be something. It would ease the heartache he felt from the breakup him and David had.
He jumped out of the car and took his key, that he still had, and unlocked the door. Maybe David should have changed the locks.

Melvin turned the lights on and waltzed into his house. Ah, the memories that flooded his head. He shook them away and ran up to David's room. Surely, there would be something there. Melvin had to be quick though.

First, he glanced around the room.

On the nightstand, he saw a framed photo. Melvin went over to it and picked it up.
There, he saw David and Mick Jagger together. David was wearing a white wedding dress while Mick wore a regular suit. Their arms were linked together, and they were posing in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Melvin immediately got jealous and started to take the backing of the frame off to get to the photo. As soon as he got it out, he ripped Mick's face off and stuffed the photo in his pants without thinking.

After that, he ran out of the house, forgetting all about finding something that he could use to expose his ex boyfriend.

"What was that all about?" The driver asked.

"None of your business. All that matters is that we get to that Chicken Ranch right now before something happens. Now go, Go!" He usherd them.
The driver started pulling out, as the other van and the other car followed them.

At home, Ed Earl was in his robe as David sat on the couch. Ed Earl was mixing a drink for himself.
"You have quite a nice house." David said as he looked around.
"Thank you. I think so too." Ed Earl nodded his head. "Hey David, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"You being a singer and all..." He walked over to the couch and sat down beside him. "Do you plan on staying here? Like for another year ot two, or for the rest of your life?..."
David sighed. "I don't know, really. I'm sure you know this but I divorced my husband and after that, it kind of tore me apart. So, I moved here to get away from it, hoping it would help and-"

"Wait a minute." Ed Earl interrupted as he sat his drink down in front of him. "You're a homosexual?"
David stared at him for a moment.
"Well- not exactly."
"Then what do you call a man who likes men?" Ed Earl asked rhetorically.

"Ed Earl, there's a thing called being bisexual." David replied a bit more bitterly now.
"Yeah. And before you say anything, no, I do not like you like in that way."

"Yeah, I didn't want to dissapoint you." Ed earl tried to joke.

David looked at him for a moment.

"How come you said you had a wife?" Ed Earl questioned.
"Well, I didn't want to be outcasted as before anybody got to know me."
"Mmm. Makes sense. Well, David. I will say you are....different. But overall, you're a pretty good fella." He patted his shoulder.

A knock came from the door.

"Yo! It's me, Fred!" A voice called from the other side of the door.

"Come on in, Fred!" Ed Earl hollered, greeting him.

Fred opened the door and rushed in. He shut the door behind him as he went over to Ed Earl.
"Evenin' Sheriff, evenin' David." He tipped his hat to them.
"Happy Thanksgiving." Ed Earl smiled. "You want a drink?"

"Aw, no. That always stuff tears up my stomach." Fred shook his head, smiling at the offer.

"What'd you want Fred?"

"Oh, I was makin' my rounds around town and I saw that Melvin P. Thorpe and a whole bunch of other fellers and they was all headed towards that Chicken Ranch." Fred explained.

"Melvin P. Thorpe, huh? Goin' out to The Chicken Ranch was he? Yeah?"
Fred nodded as Ed Earl began to laugh. Fred did the same and started laughing with him."He's gonna be real dissapointed!" He looked over at David and winked. David just smiled a bit.
Ed Earl turned back to Fred. "You see, there ain't no point in goin' out there. Miss Mona promised to close down for two months."

Fred laughed.  "Ah, well she didn't! I was out there earlier this evenin'. Those Aggies was just celebratin'."

Ed Earl stopped laughing. David sat up as he looked at them both. His eyes wide. He knew Melvin wouldn't rest until he could get that ranch closed down, and he was going to get what he wanted if they didn't get out there right now.

"Oh no." Ed Earl mumbled.

"Uh-huh." Fred nodded, still laughing.

"Aw shit!" Ed Earl yelled as David jumped up.


"Ed Earl you better hurry up you know Melvin-"

"I know, David I'm going as fast as I can!" Ed Earl yelled from his room as he threw on his clothes. "Go get in Fred' car and be ready to take off when I get in!"

A/N: Ty to my friend for giving me one of the ideas for this story

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