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There he sat as he watched David slowly eating his food.
"Melvin, I must admit that I am very surprised at what you did."
"What did I do?"
"You lied on your show. You lied that you lied about The Chicken Ranch. I can't tell you how happy everyone is. Not just me, but Ed Earl, Fred, he's another deputy, and Mona and the girls in that brothel."

"Well, of course. Sometimes you have to think about other people besides yourself. I think I did a great thing for those girls if I'm being honest." Melvin boasted. He suddenly caught himself. "Oh, uh, not to brag or anything"

"I'm sure it was a hard thing to do at first. And I don't remember thanking you, so, thanm you Melvin. Everyone appreciates it." David smiled softly. "Really, we all do."
Melvin smiled as they gazed at each other.
Inside, David sighed. He wondered if it was alright to be in love with Melvin. I mean, he did just have a divorce. But maybe ge didn't care about Mick anymore without realizing it. Maybe he had moved on, and Melvin made him realize it.
He loved Melvin even if he had almost put The Chicken Ranch in jeopardy, was a bit of a bragger, and had that atrocious haircut (that was really a toupe).

"Do you like it here in Gilbert?" David asked.
"Hm, it's alright. Too small for me. That's why I live in Houston. My style, my size. My childhood town in New Jersey was also small, which was another reason I wanted to leave. But I am so glad I moved to Houston. Where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from Brixton, London." David told him.
"I thought you were from somewhere from the U.K. Your accent gave it away." Melvin told him.
"I know it does." David snickered. "What do you plan on doing for your next show?"
"I'm so glad you asked. I found out that a sock conpany has been lyin' about how much cotton is in their socks."
David looked at him for a few moments.
"Oh really?"
"Of course."
"Interesting." David smiled. "Very, very, interesting."

"Wonder how he found out about that." David wondered to himself.

"Well, I must ask because I never met the lady myself, but what is Miss Mona like?" Melvin questioned.
"Oh, she speaks her mind. But that doesn't mean she's not nice. She likes donating to chairty too. " David explained to Melvin.
"Really?" Melvin was suprised when David had said that she donates to chairty. "I would've never thought..."
"What do you mean?"
"I just thought...Well, I just never really thought of a, um, y'know, a prostitute, to be the giving type."

Silence once again fell upon the two as David stared at him, kind of giving him this glare but at the same time trying to keep a pleasant expression. But Melvin could tell what David was thinking, "are you kidding me?"
But when David spoke, his voice remained calm which gave Melvin some relief.
"Of course a prostitute can be a giver, Melvin."

"Ah, of course." Melvin replied flatly

David continued to eat his food as Melvin sat and thought about what David said. Of course, anybody can give to charity.
"Y'know, I'm glad I met you, David. You made me realize a lot of things." Melvin admitted.

"Well, I'm happy you realize those things." David said, feeling a bit helpful.

"And I'm sorry about what I said." Melvin said hesitantly

"I forgive you. At least you know now that was stupid of you to say. Not everyone starts off not ignorant."
Melvin nodded his head in response. He thought that David was a very smart man and very forgiving too. Was it now a bad time to ask David out? Maybe he had blew it? But then again it never hurt to try.

Nervously clearing his throat, David looked up at him thinking he had something to say.
"What?" Melvin asked.
"Do you have something to say?"
"Yes. I'd really like to take you out somewhere while I'm in town. Do you want to though?"

David grinned widely at him.
"I'd thought you'd never ask. Sure, why not? We can give it a shot."

𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉Where stories live. Discover now