『 Chapter 35: The Boat on Fire 』

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"Come on Toothless!" You called, the dragon shuddered a little when he heard your voice he paused for a moment before shaking you off, but you were determined you ran back and grabbed onto his saddle once more trying as hard as you could. The dragon reeled his head back and you looked over and saw Stoick running towards his son.

"Dad! NO!" He called before Stoick jumped in the way of the plasma shot that Toothless had shot at Hiccup. Your eyes widened as you backed away from the dragon. You let out a gasp and fell to your knees seeing Stoick lying on the ground covered in ice. Hiccup quickly got up and ran over to his father, "No." He said softly, quickly pulling the ice off of his dad. He grabbed his father's arm and tried to pull him over, "Dad!" He cried out.

You felt tears well up in your eyes as you stared at the scene in front of you. Valka ran over to her husband and helped Hiccup pull him over so he was facing upwards. You gathered your strength and stood up walking over to them. Valka pressed her ear against his chest while you placed your hand on Hiccup's back trying to stifle your sobs. Valka's eyes fluttered before she closed them and let out a few broken sobs. She looked up and Hiccup and shook her head.

Hiccup's breathing grew rapid as he looked down at his father and then back to her, "No..." You glanced over at Toothless and noticed his eyes were back to normal, "No, no, no!" Hiccup cried as he hugged his father's body. You watched as the other dragon riders land near you. You wrapped your arms around Hiccup as he sobbed and watched the other's faces sadden as they looked at the view ahead of them.

Toothless crept forwards and sniffed Stoick's hand before nudging it.

"No! Get away from him!" Hiccup cried, his voice broken. The boy reached forward and shoved Toothless's face away from his father. The dragon looked up at him confused, you placed your hand on Hiccup's back trying to calm him, "Go on! Get out of here!" The dragon whimpered, "Get away!" Toothless quickly ran off, still unsure of what he did.

Valka frowned, "It's not his fault." She looked at her husband sadly, "You know that." Hiccup fell back down to his knees and let out more sobs causing you to pull him close to you, "Good Dragons under the control of bad people..." You heard the Bewilderbeast let out a call and noticed all of the dragons in the area began flying towards it, including all of the riders' dragons, "...do bad things." You heard a dragon bellow and looked over to see Drago riding Toothless towards the Bewilderbeast.

"Gather the men and meet me at Berk!" He called down to his men.

Hiccup quickly stood up, "Toothless!" He called before running after the man. Valka held him back.

"No, don't," Valka said as the group of you watched these men take off with your dragons.

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You watched as the boat that held Stoick's body floated in the water. Tears filled your eyes as you watched the closest person you had to a father drift away towards the shining gates of Valhalla.

"May the Valkyries welcome you," Gobber said, picking up a few arrows that were on the battlefield, "and lead you through Odin's great battlefield." He then passed you each an arrow and a bow, "May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings." You glanced over at Hiccup who was the last to be handed a bow, "For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father." Gobber glanced over at you, "A mentor. A friend" You could hear his voice cracking as he turned to look out at the boat.

Hiccup then reached down and held the arrowhead against a burning log. It quickly caught fire and he aimed his arrow at the boat before pulling back and shooting it. He landed it, catching the wood of the boat on fire, the rest of you followed quickly shooting your arrows at the boat and hitting it, lighting it up in flame.

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