Chapter 8 - The Cradle

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Annabelle and Steve made their way through the facility, finding bodies laying in Helen's office.

"Dr. Cho," Steve said, rushing over to her as Annabelle checked on the other bodies.

"He's uploading himself into the body," she panted as Annabelle came over, Helen's assistants all dead.

"Where?" She shook her head and Steve went to stand, but she caught his hand.

"The real power is inside the cradle. The gem... Its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark."

"First we have to find it."


"An ambulance is on the way. They'll be here soon," Annabelle assured her as Steve checked in with Clint and Natasha.

"Did you guys copy that?"

"We did."

"I got a private jet taking off across town," Natasha offered. "No manifest. That could be him."

"There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge." Steve and Annabelle rushed to the window, trying to find it. "It's them," he confirmed as he scanned it. "You got three with the cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city." They took one last glance at Helen as the paramedics arrived before taking off. "We need to draw out Ultron," he told them as they ran towards the bridge. They reached the level above where the truck was traveling. "On the count of three?" he asked her and she only sighed. "Three!" he yelled and they jumped off the side of the bridge, landing on top of the truck. Annabelle was able to stop herself, but Steve rolled to the back and off the edge, holding onto the left door. It suddenly swung open after Ultron shot at it from the inside.

"Steve!" Annabelle yelled as the door swung to the side, smashing him between the truck and the door. He kicked off of the side, going back to the middle before the door was shot off of the truck.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy. We'll try to keep him that way," Steve said as he held onto the ramp that had fallen and scraped along the road as it continued to drive.

"You're not a match for him, Cap. Even with both of you," Clint warned.

"Thanks, Barton," he let out sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter. We just have to keep him pissed off and busy," Annabelle said, leaning over the side and locking eyes with Steve. She flipped down inside of the truck, managing to duck as Ultron shot at Steve and he was launched onto the car following them. "What's up? I like the new body," she told him.

"You should see the next one," he smirked before shooting at her. She jumped to the side before pulling out her pole and activating the blade. She swung it, managing to make a few hits on him before he threw her against the side of the truck and he flew out to fight Steve. She stayed busy with the two bots Ultron had left. She alternated her strikes between the two as they tried to take her out. She allowed herself to look backwards as she heard a sound, catching the distinct colors of Steve's shield as it fell onto the road and was left in traffic. She focused back on the two shooting at her in the small space, ducking behind the cradle and peaking out to shoot back at them. After a few shots, she managed to hit one and it powered down as it was electrocuted. She vaulted herself over the crate, grabbing onto the remaining one.

"I'm always picking up after you boys," Natasha said as she rode the motorcycle down the street, grabbing Steve's shield as she tried to catch up with them.

"They are pretty messy," Annabelle grunted, continuing to fight with one of the bots. She looked over as she saw Natasha speed by, tossing the shield to Steve. Annabelle let out a small yelp as the bot she was fighting took off, picking her up before throwing her through a window of a nearby train. She groaned as she rolled over, glass shards all over the floor as the passengers stared at her. She didn't have long to regain her bearings before Ultron and Steve came crashing through the side, ripping a whole in the side of the car. "Fancy seeing you here," she said and Steve just groaned before they pushed themselves up. Steve tossed his shield at Ultron, flipping in the air as he came flying towards them and Annabelle dove to the ground. He shot a beam, knocking Steve to the floor before he stepped on Annabelle's hand as she reached for her pole.

"I'm going in," Natasha reported about the cradle. "Cap, Annabelle, can you keep him occupied?"

"What do you think I've been doing?" he panted, standing up as Annabelle managed to roll out from under Ultron. Ultron caught Steve, pushing him up against a wall and punching him until Annabelle shot him from behind.

He rubbed the back of his neck, pulling off the small electrocution device and crushed it in his hand as he turned to face her. "Really?" was all he let out before throwing Steve to the side and lifting Annabelle by her neck, causing her air to be cut off. She pushed against him, but he didn't move and her vision started to become spotty. The next thing she knew, she was on the ground, air flooding her chest. She managed to look up to see Pietro standing on the other side of the train car. Ultron started to walk towards him before two rails were crossed in front of him, a red hue around them. "Please," Ultron looked between the twins, "don't do this."

"What choice do we have?" Wanda asked. He looked at them for a moment before raising his hand and firing at the front window where Pietro stood. A large hole was blasted in the front of the train, Pietro barely missing it, and Ultron flew out.

"I lost him!" Steve told the team as he rushed through the holl to find the conductor dead and the train barreling towards the end of the track.

"You alright?" Pietro asked, coming over to Annabelle as she sat up. She looked at him a moment before nodding and taking his hand to stand. She didn't have a chance to say anything before the entire train shook as it went off the track.

"Does anyone see Nat?" Clint asked.

"A little busy!" Annabelle called as they all tried to find something to hold onto.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark!" Steve ordered. "Go!"

"So you have eyes on Nat?"

"Go!" He turned to look at Pietro. "Civilians in our path." He nodded and dashed out of the hole in the side of the train caused by Ultron and Steve. "Can you stop this thing?" he asked Wanda. She started working on it as Steve tried to cover the front hole, ending up getting thrown through the cabin as they went through a brick wall. Soon enough, the train came to a stop and the civilians in the street rushed to help the passengers on the train off. Steve and Annabelle looked at each other, both of their chests heaving as Wanda went to find her brother.

"I'm fine," he told her as she checked on him, Steve and Annabelle walking over. "I just need a minute."

"I'm very tempted not to give you one."

"Steve," Annabelle warned quietly.

"The cradle," Wanda said. "Did you get it?"

"Stark will take care of it."

She took a step back and shook her head. "No, he won't."

"You don't know what you're talking about. Stark's not crazy."

"He will do anything to make things right." Steve looked at her for a moment before turning to his sister who didn't say anything.

"Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?"

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it," Wanda continued. "Where do you think he gets that?"

"We need to get back to the tower," Annabelle told him quietly.

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