Chapter 9 - Second Chances

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 "How does this work?" Peitro asked her, his arms crossed as Wanda waited with Steve. "And why do you have to keep us apart?"

"That way, you can't interfere with each other. And it won't take long. You'll be back together in no time. Just relax." Annabelle went to put her hand on his arm, but he pulled away.

"I asked how it works."

"I don't know," she admitted. "The same thing that caused your speed caused whatever this is. You can't tell me you don't have questions about yourself sometimes." Pietro stayed quiet. "I need you to think about Ultron. Nothing in specific, but that way I won't have to root around in your head too much. It'll be better for both of us." She held her hand out and Pietro hesitated before taking it, Annabelle closing her eyes. She weeded through the memories he had with Ultron, his thoughts during interactions, and changes as he worked with him. Her eyes darted back and forth as Pietro watched her, losing focus before Annabelle opened her eyes. "You started thinking about me instead," she whispered, making him blush.


"It's okay. I got what I needed." Pietro nodded, but continued looking at her. "What?"

"The heat. What do you think it is?"

She sighed. "Another thing about Loki's scepter that's a mystery. When I first worked with it, I felt something similar when I was near it. Maybe, for whatever reason, since we've been mutated by it, we also give off the heat."

"I only feel it with you and Wanda."

"Me too."

"So no one else can feel it?"

"Guess they're not part of the cool club." They both gave a small chuckle.

"Can you see anything in my head?" he asked after a few seconds and she nodded.

"Memories, how you felt and what you thought during them, and then memories of remembering memories. It can get a bit complicated."

"What about something I don't remember? Something I can't."

"Maybe. I've never really tried too much."

"Will you?" he asked, his voice vulnerable.

She hesitated. "What do you want to see?"

"My parents. It's been so long and it's harder to remember their faces, what they sounded like."

"I can try."

"Please," he urged her and he held out his hand. She licked her lips before touching him again, searching through his mind. She tried her best, but other memories of experiments, fear, and pain overwhelmed her quickly, causing her to gasp and let go, backing up.

"I- I'm sorry. I can't. I'm sorry." She watched as the hope in his eyes disappeared before he noticed the way she held herself.

"Are you alright? Did I hurt you?"

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. "I'm sorry," she finally managed to get out and he realized it was for more than just failing to retrieve his memories.

"I shouldn't have asked you to," he shook his head.

"Pietro," she got his attention, although her arms stayed wrapped around herself. She struggled as she tried to figure out the right words. "This group- The Avengers, they're good people. If you do this with us, you can stay and it doesn't have to feel like that. The pressure to be good enough, fear of failure."

He nodded, but bit his bottom lip. "But you still do." She stayed quiet and looked at him while he stared back. "You and I... We're very similar." Annabelle gave him a small, forced smile. "Moments. Small, happy moments can get us through the bad. We just have to remember that." They stayed in silence until she found her voice again.

"Can you send your sister in?" He nodded, hesitating before putting a hand on her shoulder and letting it sit for a minute before he walked out of the room.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter. I didn't post it last week because I wanted some more time to work on it, but I hope you liked it! Let me know!

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