Chapter 2

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Christine was in the middle of a project when she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist.

"Hello sweetheart." John said as Christine smiled.

"Hey darling." Christine said as she stared at John.

"Are you busy right now?" John asked her as she smiled.

"Just finishing up. What's on your agenda for us today?" Christine asked him.

"I thought we could have dinner at my place. What do you say?" He asked as Christine panicked.

"Dinner at his place, oh my God!" She was panicking on the inside.

"I'd love to have dinner at your place!" She said.

"Great, I'll come pick you up around 6:30 and we'll be off." He said as Christine was speechless.

"Great darling, I'll see you then." She said as John left and Christine felt as if she were about to faint.

Later on that day, Christine got home to see Stevie sleeping on the couch, likely since she just got home from working the breakfast shift and the poor girl was exhausted, it was all over her face.

"Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into?" Christine asked herself out loud, waking Stevie up.

"Christine, what's wrong?" Stevie asked.

"You won't believe what John asked me today as I was finishing up my piece for the museum." Christine said.

"By the way you're acting, it's just like he asked you to marry him or something. Wait, did he?" Stevie asked her.

"No, but we've only been dating for three weeks and it's not time for a marriage proposal yet." Christine said.

"Then, what did he ask you that's got you pacing the floor?" Stevie asked her.

"He asked me to have dinner with him." Christine said as Stevie looked at her and cocked her head to the side.

"And?" Stevie questioned.

"He wants me to have dinner with him at his house, I mean, he has never had dinner here before. I was going to ask him when the time was perfect and now, it's just all coming way too fast." Christine said.

"Do you really want to bring John here?" Stevie questioned her as she went on. "I mean, you can cook and all that but I would never cook for a man in this place." She said as Christine looked at her.

"Stevie, we haven't even said I love you yet and now, we're going to have dinner at his house." Christine said.

"Calm down, maybe you'll both say it tonight. You are happier than I have ever seen you in a long time, what's wrong with just a nice night with a man who values you in a way that you've never been before?" Stevie questioned.

"You're right, now will you help me pick out an outfit and help me with my hair and makeup. I'm a nervous wreck and I will mess it all up because I get to have dinner with the sweetest man in the whole world." Christine said.

"Yes, I'd love to help you. What time is he coming to pick you up?" Stevie asked.

"6:30." Christine said as Stevie looked at the clock.

"We've got four hours, we have time  but let's go find an outfit." Stevie said as she dragged Christine to both her room and Christine's room.

"Now, imagine what John would want to see on you. Solids, prints, see-through, non-see through. What's your pick?" Stevie asked.

"How about your black, strapless dress that you wore for Mick's engagement party a couple of years ago?" She asked.

"Okay." Stevie said, digging through her closet but did not see it.

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