Chapter 3

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Christine had tears in her eyes as she looked up from the floor as she watched John sweep her tears away.

"I'm sorry, I knew it was too soon to ask. I just hate being here all by myself when all I think about is you, I imagine you being here and all the memories we could make. I wake up in the morning, I look at the empty side of my bed and think of you, I go through each day with tasks thinking of how we could do that together, then eating dinner here at the table alone when I think of all the meals and talks we can make and share together, all I want is you Christine, I want to see you and love you like no one ever has, so what do you say Chris? Would you be my girlfriend and move in with me?" John asked as he held her hands as Christine didn't know what to say, this was a huge adjustment.

"John, I really want to but I can't leave Stevie in that shit hole apartment and she can't afford it on a waitress's salary and I can't do that to her. I want to be with you all the time but I can't do that to her and I do love you John, I really do but we've only been seeing each other for three weeks, it's just not the right time darling and let's take things slow, we're in no rush to make things happen. We'll know when the time is right and let's just enjoy this evening together." Christine said as John stood up and felt like a fool for even trying.

"I'm going for a walk to clear my mind, just make yourself comfortable." John said as he walked out the door and down the stairs to clear his mind, he just wanted to have his dreams come true and now, he didn't even know what the future holds.

Meanwhile, Christine stared at the ceiling as she laid down on the couch as she felt like she had really messed things up. She knew she couldn't just leave Stevie in that little apartment by herself, she didn't want to leave her best friend behind and she hoped Lindsey would straighten his act up because he was really starting to bother her.

Ring ring ring

The phone started ringing as Christine picked it up, waiting for the other person on the other end of the line to speak but all she could hear was sniffles and she knew who it was.

"Chris?" It was Stevie, it sounded like she had been crying.

"Stevie, what's wrong sweetheart?" Christine asked her.

"Lindsey, Lindsey, broke up with meeee." Stevie said through hiccups as she started crying harder as Christine knew she needed to get home and be with Stevie but John was her only way home and she had no idea what to do.

"What happened?" Christine asked.

"He said that we're two different people now and that no matter how we try to fix things, it will always be the same way it always has. I can't believe this, I love him Chris." Stevie said as she was cried.

Christine wanted to rip Lindsey's head off as Stevie sat by the phone, just crying her heart out.

"I just want to be happy, like having my dream job, maybe get married someday and have children. It could be a reality maybe and imagine if I had children? Oh Chris, I know it seems too far fetched but imagine how my wedding will be too, but maybe it's just a stupid dream." Stevie as she just wanted to rush to get to her but she wanted to wait until John came back.

"I'm coming darling, let me talk to John and I'll be there soon." Christine said as Stevie was just crying harder and it broke Christine's heart.

"I'm going to use the money you gave me to get back home, if that's okay. We tried to talk but it didn't do us any good." Stevie said.

"I don't mind darling and I gave it to you just in case and go get you something to eat Stevie and I'll be home with wine and ice cream soon." Christine said.

"Okay, I love you and be safe coming home." Stevie said.

"I will darling you too, it's supposed to rain tonight and I love you too." Christine said.

"Bye Chris." Stevie said as Christine saw John coming in through the door.

"Bye Stevie." Christine said.

"Hi." John said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek." John said.

"Hi." Christine said as she put her head on John's shoulder.

"What's wrong songbird?" John asked her.

"Let's sit on the couch and talk." Christine said as they did and he put Christine's feet in his lap and start rubbing her legs and feet.

"You can talk to me sweetheart, now what's troubling your pretty little mind?" John asked as Christine let her guard down.

"Do you remember my best friend Stevie and her boyfriend Lindsey?" Christine questioned.

"I remember Stevie but not really Lindsey, I think I only met him once." John said.

"Well, Lindsey broke up with Stevie and she just called me and she's on her way home and it's always a cycle of this breaking up and getting back together." Christine said and John wondered why someone would break Stevie's heart over and over again.

"I went for a long walk and I want you to move in and I want Stevie to come along as well, there's plenty of jobs and she'll love the beach." John said as Christine looked at him.

"John, I know you want this but..." Christine was saying but John kissed her.

"Not buts Christine, I want you both to be happy and it's not far from where you work and I have plenty of room and it's lonely here and I want what's best for Stevie too and living on the beach, great restaurants for her to make great money and I have seen these big time people to tip really good and I have a mate that I believe we can sweep Stevie off her feet." John said as Christine started crying.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Christine said as John held her as John held her to him.

"You came into my life, I fell in love with you and I want to give you everything you ever dreamed of Chris and you want to make sure Stevie is happy too and that's what I love about you. It's your kindness, your heart, your humor and your down to earth spirit that I love. I love you Christine and I want you to be happy and I want to make sure Stevie will be taken care of too." John said as Christine felt her heart becoming lighter.

"I don't know what to say right now, I'm speechless." Christine said as John kissed her head and tickled her neck with his beard.

"The first thing is I'm going to take you to go grab some of your clothes, toiletries and whatever you need and let's go tell Stevie. I want you both to be happy and imagine seeing the ocean every morning then seeing a parking lot filled with pot holes, I want you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you Christine." John said as Christine held his face in her hands and kissed him.

"Are you sure you want two women invading your life?" Christine asked.

"I want to see you happy and I've had my fair share of loneliness, I want this laugh to be the one I hear every day, I want to see your beautiful blue eyes when I wake up every morning and when I go to sleep every night." John said as Christine smiled.

"Then, let's go tell Stevie the good news." Christine said as John was ready to have this life and with her beside him, it was going to be perfect just like her name.

"Okay." Christine said.

"Let's go!" John said as he scooped Christine into his arms and held her.

Author's Note: I just love seeing The McVies so happy! I always love writing about them, it feels good writing again and I'm so happy that everyone enjoys them too. ❤️

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